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File: 30f7344c1b2356b⋯.png (107.85 KB, 1440x436, 360:109, 20171206_093445.png)

47f615 No.42700

db808d No.42733

Officials estimate there are already 3.5 million square feet worth of the massive computing facilities in Prince William, with another eight data centers (totaling 1.5 million square feet) in the pipeline. But county supervisors are starting to take a closer look at where they should allow the data centers, or whether they should continue to accept new applications for the buildings at all.

“These used to be very reliable economic development projects for us,” said Supervisor Pete Candland, R-Gainesville. “But too much of a good thing can turn into something not so good.”


db808d No.42743

5eb55d No.43156


2fe3b4 No.43254


Remember, pray. Could it possibly hurt to say "I pray to all that is good and just and righteous show me the correct way teach me the correct words, show me the light?"

I don't see how that could possibly hurt any one is isn't themselves a deceiver.

4d10d0 No.44081

Whatever happened today is unusual. To announce activities at 815 am and still have no official update 7+ hours later means either it is more than a criminal roundup or requires coordinated messages by multiple agencies that are hard to reconcile.

165973 No.44653

Raids in Fairfax County as well as Prince William

http://archive .is/OgE8J

The raids happened in Woodbridge and Alexandria parts of the county and involved several local and federal law enforcement agencies, the federal agency said.

ATF would not confirm if the raids are gang-related.

The FBI also confirmed to News4 that there is an ongoing investigation in the D.C. area that includes local law enforcement.

165973 No.44876

Here we have it, and it's not what anybody in the entirety of fullchan would have guessed, I believe:

"Blood gang-related FBI, ATF operation"

WTF is the "Blood gang" you ask?

Looks like a bunch of normal criminals, almost no Latinos in the entire list, and all in all what some might term "a nothingburger"

http://wjla .com/news/local/fbi-confirms-court-authorized-law-enforcement-activities-in-dc-area-wednesday-morning

534ca3 No.48465

Kaitlin McCabe, 19, possession and unlawful transfer of a firearm

Did she get her hands on one of those Fast & Furious pistolas?

f1f87f No.48477

File: 32a231227a9fa77⋯.png (214.26 KB, 1930x796, 965:398, 2017-12-07 15_00_41-Donald….png)

Tweeted at exactly 7.00am.

7117cc No.48508

Need help digging!

Compiling list of arrested and doing BG checks, found something interesting.

Chennor Bah, 30, doesn't come up, but numerous Chenor Bah's do. 1 of them is @Cee_Bah on Twitter. Runs a site dedicated to, "…….a movement building hub for adolescent girls in the global south."

OB fan, lots of DC connections.

7117cc No.48562

File: df0f79cd509d434⋯.png (128.03 KB, 804x502, 402:251, #TinPanda.png)

7117cc No.48580

File: db087c326474f38⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1325x1092, 1325:1092, PurposefulProductions.png)

Directed by "Chenor Bah"

7117cc No.54137

File: 00ab3e75a54bfd6⋯.png (145.45 KB, 817x593, 817:593, #TinPanda1.png)

File: 724abe2d305f1f2⋯.png (219.39 KB, 819x781, 819:781, #TinPanda2.png)

Changes "#PG/S.Rich links" to "Rabbit Holes" because its more fitting. My observation from looking through the first 20 names of those arrested in Operation Tin Panda is that people of interest beyond your usual street gang stuff were rounded up at the same time as some real criminals.

Thanks for reading.

7117cc No.54198

File: 3912c921bf93efa⋯.png (169.94 KB, 1416x290, 708:145, MAnon.png)

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