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File: 1f736082e04597c⋯.png (434.73 KB, 428x541, 428:541, Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at ….png)

b882ef No.41581

Rough Political Timeline

1983 - Graduates from Columbia University in New York with a degree in political science.

1984 - Started work at Business International Corporation, where he was, quote, “a spy behind enemy lines.” He also worked at New York Public Interest Research Group for a $10,000 salary, Here he was a researcher and writer for a reference service called Financing Foreign Operations. He also wrote for a newsletter, Business International Money Report.

1985 - Moves to Chicago To work as a community organizer.

1986 - Gerald Kellman (AKA Jerry Kellman, AKA Marty Kaufman) gave a job to Barack to work as director of the Developing Communities Project, a branch of Calumet Community Religious Conference, the DCP grew from Barack as sole employee with a salary of $13,000, to a staff of 13, and an annual budget of $400,000.

1987 - Travels to Kenya to meet his estranged fathers side of the family.

1988 - Enrols at Harvard Law School. During Summer of 1988, after his first year at Harvard, Barack is hired by Chicago Law firm Sidley Austin as a summer associate. A rare occurrence, as the elite law firm was hesitant of hiring first-year law students. Here Barack met many important figures, such as Michelle Robinson, his future wife to-be, who would be assigned as his mentor, and Newton N. Minow, senior counsel of Sidley Austin, quoted as saying "Barack was possibly the most gifted student that she had ever taught” in reference to Michelle’s mentoring.

1989 - Becomes member of the Harvard Law Review. Elected as HLR’s first African American president.


1991 - Graduates from Harvard.


2005 - Elected as Illinois U.S State senator

2008 - Elected as 44th President of U.S


>Al-Waleed bin Talal

>Khalid al-Mansour

>Mike Kruglik

>Bernardine Dohrn

>Bill Ayers

>Walter H. Annenberg

>Deborah Leff

>Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.

>Alice J. Palmer

>Gerald Kellman


>Business International Corporation

>New York Public Interest Research Group

>Financing Foreign Operations

>Business International Money Report

>Developing Communities Project

>Calumet Community Religious Conference

>Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago

>Building One America

>Chicago Annenberg Challenge

>Joyce Foundation

>Carnegie Corporation


archive. fo/uyFyY - 1986 - Developing Communities Project sole employee, salary, Harlem-based public interest research group

archive. fo/rMdFZ - 1983-1985 - Spy behind enemy lines, Business International Corporation in New York, researcher and writer for a reference service called Financing Foreign Operations. He also wrote for a newsletter, Business International Money Report.

archive. fo/8CjLB - 1986 - Kellman

b882ef No.41587

Obama AIDs Transcript:

Hi everybody this World AIDS Day everyone has a role to play.

Jimmy Kimmel's not just a talk showhost he's an activist.

Bono is not just a musician he's ringmaster of a home shopping extravaganza.

And me, I'm not just a former president, I'm a husband who hasn't done his Christmas shopping yet.

Fortunately red is making my part easy.

I know we live in a time when cable news and our Twitter feeds can make it feel like cynicism is everywhere, but when it comes to the fight against hiv/aids there's some genuinely good news to ship for the first time in history.

More than half of all people living with the virus are on life-saving medication.

Since the peak of the virus AIDS related deaths have been cut in half.

Today more than 20 million people around the world are on antiretroviral drugs that make it possible to live, work, and raise HIV free children.

It sounds like a miracle but it's not the result of

mysterious forces or chance.

It happened because countless people working for years chose to make this promise.

Some deployed great wealth and influence.

Some Democrats and Republicans alike held public office but far more were simply citizens, organizers,

activists, doctors, and nurses, scientists,

and above all courageous people living

with HIV who led the fight to spare others the anguish of this disease.

That's how progress happens when we reject cynicism and pessimism in favor of a relentless optimism that says however long it takes, however lonely the fight, each of us can make a difference.

Thats what I believe.

That's why I'm here tonight and I'm asking you to join us and if you do you

can pilot Air Force One for a day.

No? we can't do that anymore?

okay. if you do I'll share our files on the aliens.

no? we can't do that either? but I have them, they're in my desk right now.

Alright, fine.

Sorry Jimmy you can't see those, but the rest of you watching tonight can help us end this pandemic once and for all.

You can help us win this fight, you can help us change lives and write a future full of progress and hope.

So let's all get to work.

b882ef No.41596

Michelle & Barack, Sidley Austin Roots:



Time as President of the Harvard Law Review:



0ffbe8 No.41608

(FREE) Resources to help in investigations:


I have personally used these numerous times and they are very helpful. Especially the Little Sis - you can see all sorts of connections between people that you would not find anywhere else without a lot of digging.

And one nice thing about infinichan is that there are no rules about doxing.

b882ef No.41615

>Why were the events in SA extraordinary?

>Who was arrested?

>What will bank records provide?

>List names, family history, investment/ownership stakes, and point-to-point contacts.

>EX: Alwaleed HUMA BO Citigroup US Control

>Why is this relevant?

>House of Saud.

>House of Saud US Control

>Follow the money.

>What power shift recently occurred?

>Was a new King appointed?


>Dark to LIGHT.

>Why is this relevant?

>One side of the triangle removed (1st time in history).

>Other sides falling.





0ffbe8 No.41621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Khalid al-Mansour




video from Fox News

b882ef No.41625

>U1 - CA - EU - ASIA - IRAN/NK

>Where did it end up?

>What was the purpose?

>Who was suppose to win the election of 2016?

>Why was the Iran deal kept from Congress and placed at the highest level of classification?

>Meaning, a United States Senator could NOT review the deal but other foreign powers could.

>How much money was hand delivered by plane(s)?

>Why in cash?

>Where did the plane(s) actually land?

>What was the cover?

>Who paid for BO to attend Harvard?

>Why would this occur pre-political days?

>Who was the biggest contributor to the CF?

>The graphic is the key.

>Why does the MSM push conspiracy w/o investigation?

>Who controls the MSM?

>What does the word 'conspiracy' mean to you?

>Has the word 'conspiracy' been branded to mean something shameful in today's society?

>The world cannot handle the truth.

>This pill cannot be swallowed by most.

>Risk in painting this picture.



b882ef No.41627

>Why are China & Russia communist S/closed?

>Can you find an owl / Y there?

>Was this to prevent evil from entering?

>Was this to protect their children/people?

>Why was BO shamed during trip to China, SA, other locations?

>How was POTUS hosted?



>Fantasy land.


b882ef No.41635

>Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

>What is SpaceX?

>Expand your thinking.


b882ef No.41642

>Focus on Hussein.

>Revelations coming very very soon.

>HUMA - SA - Hussein.

>HLR (first).

>Civil rights attorney.

>13th District - Sen.


>Hussein v HRC v McCain.

>Why is this relevant?

>Follow the money pre-pres.

>Follow the connections pre-pres.

>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?

>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?

>Think Asia.

>Think NK.

>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?

>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?


>Define hostage.

>The Sum of all Fears.

>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?


>What is a pill?

>When is it hard to swallow?

>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?

>Define stages.

>Define puppets.

>Define puppet handlers.

>Define proxy war.

>Define proxy war.

>Define proxy war.

>Expand your thinking.

>Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?


>Does POTUS control all matters classified?


>Have faith.

>These people are losers!


b882ef No.41648

>Hussein is evil and a real loser.

>No special treatment.

>Shopping around for a (new) handler/protection is fun to watch on the SATs / spy comms.

>Morons, all of them.


b882ef No.41655

>Have you been watching the news since Friday?

>Who is Peter Strzok?

>How was he compromised?

>How was he paid?

>Who is Melissa Hodgman?



>Date of promotion?

>Focus on the date.

>What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know?

>Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc.


>Date of promotion of wife?

>How do they stack the deck?

>Who do they want inside the gov’t?

>What are puppets?

>How do you control a puppet?

>#2 in FBI?

>Wife connection?

>What is a pattern?

>Follow the wives.

>Keep watching the news this week.

>Future proves past.

>Re-read crumbs.


>How many D’s / R’s will not seek re-election?


>What just passed in the Senate?


>Who is their new handler?

>Do as told?

>Why is this relevant?

>Do you not understand the gov’t is being gutted publicly?

>Bottom middle top.

>Hussein Iran connection.

>Bombs away.

>Merry Christmas.


b882ef No.41657



>Hussein AIDS Video.

>Hidden message?





>Expand your thinking.

>News unlocks meaning.


b882ef No.41659

>Re-review RED_RED stringer.

>Focus on Hussein AIDS Video.

>Cross reference.

>Date of stringer vs video?

>Learn to decider.

>News unlocks message.

>Find the keystone.


b882ef No.41662

File: 9d8a2e42a737e34⋯.png (124.82 KB, 410x198, 205:99, Screen Shot 2017-12-06 at ….png)

>Expand your thinking.

>When did Hussein travel to Asia?

>When was the stringer released?

>When was the RED video taped?

>Do you believe in coincidences?


b882ef No.41666

>Dates: 25, 27, 28.

>Stringer, RED RED, ASIA.

>Analyze the connection.

>Learn to read the map.


b882ef No.41669

bloomberg. com/news/articles/2017-10-03/north-korea-tension-sidelines-south-s-unification-ministry





>Why was that STRINGER sent out?


>News unlocks message.

>Future proves past.

>Where is the RED CROSS?

>Runs deep.




b882ef No.41671

>RED RED stringer 25th.

>Hussein RED video 27th (response).

>Hussein in Asia on 28th post stringer.



>More than one meaning.

>Hussein RED Indictments variables.

>Think circle.

>Expand your thinking.

>Take multiple paths.

>One connects to another.

>Learn to read the map.

>The map is the key.

>Find the keystone.

>What holds everything together?


b882ef No.41676















I believe those are all the Q postings involving BO, excluding the one w/ the picture of China asking where he was.

cb4829 No.41748

>Dates: 25, 27, 28.

>Stringer, RED RED, ASIA.

>Analyze the connection.

>Learn to read the map.


Is this telling us that the original file was longer on the video as in it had a hidden file? Also is Q telling us that Hussein made the video at the end of November per the dates on the stringer code instead of actually making it on the 1st of December?

d3b3b2 No.49050

File: c236ad33f9aa01f⋯.png (19.69 KB, 257x128, 257:128, BO napoleons emblem.png)

Asia Trip

China - Nov 29 Thurs

India - Dec 1st Fri

Paris - Dec 2nd Sat

In Paris, he spoke to the Napoleon Society. The society was founded in 2014 and focuses on innovative communications. It is works With the sponsorship of the Ministers of Culture and Communications.

A section on their website is labeled "Manifesto."


As a reminder, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution (1789-1799). After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d’état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804. He was exiled, but returned out of exile to rule again. Was exiled again and died in exile.







d3b3b2 No.49304

RED_RED_ stringer dated 11/25

RED Video posted 11/29 (Q gives date as 27th) (response)

Hussein in Asia 11/28 (Q gives date)

China - speech 11/29 Thurs

11/30 ?

India - speech 12/1 Fri

Paris - speech 12/2 Sat

Chinese President Xi Jinping on Wednesday praised former US leader Barack Obama. Wednesday was 11/29, so the meeting must have taken place 11/28 or 11/29.

Other article specified a 5-day trip

11/28 - ?

11/29 - China

11/30 - ?

12/1 - India

12/2 - Paris

If RED = Communist, then maybe

11/28 - Russia

11/30 - NK

Asia could = Japan

Where was Hussein on Thursday 11/30?

Cross posted in Seoul thread

16cfa7 No.49317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is Obama's current status and standing with the NWO?

"Will Obama be the Fall Guy?"

b882ef No.49331


>Where was Hussein on Thursday 11/30?

If he wasn't in NK, he MUST have had a stop in Seoul.

He could have been in contact w/ the NK regime through the Seoul Pyongyang hotline?

d3b3b2 No.49380


It wouldn't surprise me if he was. One thing about the NWO team is that no matter who you are or how high you climb in the organization, you're never safe. There's always someone nipping at your heels and plotting an overthrow.

d3b3b2 No.49466


A week or so ago, an anon posted a link to the WH Correspondent's Dinner and stated that A military coup had taken place and Hussein had surrendered. This is verified by Zetatalk and maybe Benjamin Fuller, too.

In his speech at the dinner, he says two things that are important:

1) He jokes about counting the days to his death panel - which I took as he's received the death penalty from the tribunal (@ the 3:25 mark)

2) He jokes about Justin Trudeau taking his place - which I think means his place in the NWO (at the 4:05 mark)

If that's the case, then Hussein is out of the game, unless he can get drafted by another team before the whistle blows.


d3b3b2 No.49475


Or maybe start his own team. Check out the top of the Seoul thread to see my theory that Hussein and Bono are planning an uprising in Seoul on Feb 14th.

d3b3b2 No.49484


Agreed this is very much an option.

8f77fd No.65105

File: f9c4956342cf2a7⋯.png (143 KB, 1310x1816, 655:908, c9d2147d9de84c3b579a00e1b2….png)

NEW TIP, courtesy of Q and his crumb "As the world turns."

There needs to be investigation into Menteng 01 State Elementary School in Jakarta. Find anything and everything you guys can about this educational establishment and whether or not it's an undercover clown madrassa.

99cbf6 No.68411

Focus on Hussein.

>Revelations coming very very soon.

>HUMA - SA - Hussein.

>HLR (first).

>Civil rights attorney.

>13th District - Sen.


>Hussein v HRC v McCain.

>Why is this relevant?

All puppets all served the same purpose

>Follow the money pre-pres.

>Follow the connections pre-pres.

House of Saud

>Why does Hussein travel ahead of POTUS?

>Why did Hussein travel behind POTUS?

To sabotage

>Think Asia.

>Think NK.

>What was told re: NK during the past 8 years?

Strategic patience, no nukes

>What dramatic shift occurred re: NK post election of POTUS?

Now they have nukes


>Define hostage.

A person seized as security for the fulfillment of a condition

>The Sum of all Fears.

Movie about a nuke used by Europe as a false flag to instigate war between US and Russia

>Why are sexual harassment claims all appearing suddenly?

Deep state cutting strings



>What is a pill?

A small round mass of solid medicine to be swallowed whole

>When is it hard to swallow?

When it is bitter

>How do you remove your enemies from positions of influence and authority?

Make allegations,impeach,kill

>Define stages.

A point, period, or step in a process or development

>Define puppets.

a movable model of a person or animal that is used in entertainment and is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it.

>Define puppet handlers.

One who makes and entertains with puppets

>Define proxy war.

a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved.

>Define proxy war.

a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved.

>Define proxy war.

a war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved.

>Expand your thinking.

>Why is Justice stalling release of c-level info?

Waiting for the order


>Does POTUS control all matters classified?



>Have faith.

>These people are losers!


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