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File: d73828b3c301141⋯.png (8.88 KB, 313x100, 313:100, download-2.png)

c5b9fd No.4136

I'm getting worried that the story about Meganon doxxing Q was legit.

Can anyone confirm that Q is ok?

>pic related is captcha

c5b9fd No.4137

File: 7a53f80a341eedd⋯.png (4.53 KB, 220x96, 55:24, download-3.png)

This was my next captcha

de3194 No.4165


it's ok, Q-leto (you)

c77aa3 No.4211

what happend exactly, i missed it

c5b9fd No.4236

File: 36a9630d9d5369c⋯.png (496.75 KB, 696x1212, 58:101, 151178791423157.png)


This. There was more but I don't have it saved.

c5b9fd No.4293

File: b1062fd6665d3c5⋯.png (79.98 KB, 1402x373, 1402:373, e05b5e7ab5160b8d349926574a….png)

File: 42a0c0b125f7c77⋯.png (54.39 KB, 1505x289, 1505:289, b0a282df7c44ea5dc4506f924e….png)

Went looking and found them on 8/pol_

5a331c No.4450





nope, Queue-Group has no longer access to internal social media we suspect

here's the thread:


87c393 No.4501

>>2301 Hmmm

>Just saw this on Twitter. Anybody know what she is talking about?

lesley hafalia‏ @LesleyRHafalia

5m5 minutes ago

Replying to @bellesouth826 @TunTavern75 and

lol. #DEEPWEB control stolen ##intellectualproperty.

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

lesley hafalia‏ @LesleyRHafalia

14m14 minutes ago

Replying to @TunTavern75 @mutts4me_sherri @POTUS

#Bannon #Miller LOL Pay the man you stole the ####intellectualproperty from

0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

lesley hafalia‏ @LesleyRHafalia

19m19 minutes ago

Replying to @TunTavern75 @mutts4me_sherri @POTUS

lol if you idiots knew the truth. #QAnon stole the #intellectualproperty #Hopehicks #PeterTheil

3 replies 0 retweets 0 likes

lesley hafalia‏ @LesleyRHafalia

22m22 minutes ago

#hopehicks you know the #intellectualproperty doesn't belong to #QAnon . Time to pay for what was #STOLEN .

1 reply 0 retweets 0 likes

lesley hafalia‏ @LesleyRHafalia

26m26 minutes ago

Replying to @JonnyWoodstock @pravdareport

#TRUMP #QANON the real Q had his #intellectualproperty stolen by @realDonaldTrump PAY THE REAL #Qanon

5a331c No.4700


can please reformat this messed up copy pasta?

127664 No.4718

>Just saw this on Twitter. Anybody know what she is talking about?

@LesleyRHafalia Replying to @bellesouth826 @TunTavern75 and

>lol. #DEEPWEB control stolen >##intellectualproperty.

Replying to @TunTavern75 @mutts4me_sherri @POTUS

>#Bannon #Miller LOL Pay the man you stole the ####intellectualproperty from

Replying to @TunTavern75 @mutts4me_sherri @POTUS

>lol if you idiots knew the truth. #QAnon stole the #intellectualproperty #Hopehicks #PeterTheil

>#hopehicks you know the #intellectualproperty doesn't belong to #QAnon . Time to pay for what was #STOLEN

Replying to @JonnyWoodstock @pravdareport

>#TRUMP #QANON the real Q had his #intellectualproperty stolen by @realDonaldTrump PAY THE REAL #Qanon

9ba8cb No.4737

File: 4c8edaccb1fede5⋯.jpeg (133.16 KB, 1110x708, 185:118, B58CA491-12F7-4149-B272-9….jpeg)

File: 50ae0db0638f111⋯.jpeg (490.07 KB, 1125x910, 225:182, 1285C5FF-0C74-4649-A0E9-2….jpeg)

File: 79d74d4ed539c88⋯.jpeg (114.08 KB, 1099x520, 1099:520, 2173B598-B3AF-41CD-AB76-7….jpeg)

File: f62cdf4cd705dfd⋯.jpeg (259.3 KB, 1124x1221, 1124:1221, 21D3F027-6567-4A05-9D48-A….jpeg)


>Twatter user @LesleyRHafalia

422b37 No.4762


WTF is this?

32e910 No.4779

this is clearly an attempt to misdirect people, we have enough information to almost irrefutably prove Q is real at this point, any attempt to make it look otherwise is an obvious desperation attempt.

9ba8cb No.4787


Appears to be quite a raving looney imho

7d5bd7 No.4818


So following what was posted by mega it would go something like this:

Hope Hicks had 2 employees who had two young staffers with too much access and used that access to pose as Q after 11/1 (or 10/29 depending) by accessing information they weren't supposed to be accessing. Mega never denied what was said, only that "Q wasn't Q"

They've been fired and it would appear one of them, I'm going to guess her son or relative, because if you find her on FB she's posing with a college graduate, either developed something or wrote a program, an app or something that they are incorrectly believing is intellectual property that has been stolen by Hope Hicks, the Admin or similar.

Now she's going to rant and rave because she doesn't understand anything that was developed, written or done would belong to the employer ie: the gov.

Just a guess. Certainly doesn't make it true.

87c393 No.5034

bb6fe7 No.5064


Agreed. If anything the questions were good, and I'm ready to meme for the POTUS.


The problem with this story is the very real and really under POTUS' control NSA that would have picked this up immediately. There's no time needed to 'backtrace' it's all instantaneous. It's not shut down, and if Q is part of the federal gov't they're impersonating feds, big fuckin' no no.

I never doubt for a second POTUS and crew are in complete control. They know about this shitshow, of that you can be assured. I follow DJT, and the content of Q's posts, not his fucking identity. That is what /pol/ is about newfriends. Content > Identity, we cannot be gaslit if we stop trusting nothing at all.

bb6fe7 No.5068

The NSA would know about Q's post before it even touched 4chan, really, this is not really a game people. It used to be that these digs were dangerous.

7d5bd7 No.5154


I'm not trying to gaslight anyone. I was explaining what "they" are trying to explain. I don't believe this "megaanon" poster. They also said back in Oct. that POTUS would be "making 3 Presidential addresses" which Q flatly denied would ever happen. Whoever this megaanon is isn't trustworthy imo. They just seem like some random poster trying to be more important than they are. On 10/6 the poster was going on and on about live feed TV broadcasts of POTUS and other stuff that isn't even realistic. http://galacticconnection.com/megaanon-4chan-comments-on-las-vegas-text-version/

I think it's important though to try and encapsulate how they are wrapping up the Q story to make it a larp instead of anything else. Maybe I wasn't clear enough what I meant?

393c95 No.5195

That is NOT MegaAnon. It's a very poor imitation of her style.

Lesley Hafalia is a delusional tweeter and can be ignored.

8/pol Q trip is real. Proof is stickied on the board.

We cannot imagine the scale of things behind the scenes.

We are still necessary.

Keep digging, making memes and redpilling friends and family.

f48214 No.5202

Guys, in Q's first post, who was AW?

7f6edf No.5213

can you link it? >>5202

1c9fa8 No.5219

Yeah.. I refuse to believe that Q is some low level skid like MegaFag says. He was talking about SA before there were arrests. That isn't what press secretaries or their associates have access to.

7f311a No.5227


I find it odd that 4pol all seemed to forget that meganon was a "proven larp" all at once.

4chan has been a psyop for a while though, just go read leftypol to find out about their "naziposting". Universities have been obsessed with it, as are online activist groups. It's comped.

1c9fa8 No.5236


Leftypol are a bunch of trannies larping as people who are capable of doing anything. I've followed their attempts to misdirect 4pol and they get caught like most shills. They have a remarkable ability to deduce the intentions of posters and killing kike narratives is a lifestyle over there. While there are many people shilling, they almost always get nowhere because most anons are stubborn (in a good way) in their beliefs.

7f311a No.5254


Yeah, it's very transparent shilling going on but it's basically saturated the place and no one is motivated to do anything about it. I'm not because I figure a lot of that will be cut off at its root when the cunts driving it get their doors kicked in.

1bf20f No.6821


Even if not necessary, better wrong than sorry. We can all believe that Qanon was fake from the start, or real to the end, or anything in between, but the connections and info are real and well-formatted, and regardless of the source, it's better to pursue them even if only for the sake of knowledge. We live in an information-flooded internet economy. 4chan and 8ch are some of the best metrics/tools for flooding GOOD information out into the world. Perhaps for a thousand hours spent in research or lurking, maybe one hour is good, but that one good hour stands against years of propaganda paid for by those whose interest is nothing more benevolent or altruistic than total slavery and servitude. If a happy slave is better, they will try to make you happy, and the opposite case is true as well. They do not care either way. Unfortunately, most people are content with being happy slaves. But anons don't want to be slaves. That's why anons fight and put in countless hours chasing rabbit holes they know may full well lead to nowhere. Without anons…. the world would be bleak.

Thank you all.

ca72b2 No.7015

7f6edf No.7135

I'm with you. I don't know why MegaAnon suddenly has credibility now that they've been outed. And even then, he/she still goes on posting about how they work with people in Q's line of work one day, and then now they're admitting they work for themselves. Even during Q's posting, Meg was adding to them like we were missing stuff (mainly about vault 7).


116354 No.7348

My guess is that it'll take about a week for people to realize that "real Q" ended 11/1 or so, and was legit just trying to dump info and reassurances that our trust wasn't misplaced. After that, getting into metaphysical bullshit, CERN, some aspects of this white rabbit garbage, none of it held the same appeal, or ring of authenticity. Some things, yes. They were pretty obvious, even things that were circumspect, such as asking who runs NK, that were just crazy enough that it was worth looking into.

That was the value of Q. Getting people to meme the least crazy, or crazy enough, material. Its a shame it got so out of hand, because the damage done to people who legit want to disseminate real crumbs, will be btfo for a long time.

FWIW: I absolutely believe there is high level child/human trafficking ring, blackmailing, and a deep state rogue government funding our "enemies", poisoning our streets, and killing anyone who gets in its way. I believe Trump was asked to run, supported in phenomenal ways, including inside help in unfucking the election results they had been planning for years to steal. I believe there are big things coming, but it has to be held to Rule of Law parameters, and will get the big players up to a point. Obama will not be arrested. At most, he'll be forced to retire to his muslim palaces overseas.

Trump & co. devastated their money supply, their inside dealings and is liberating people from fear inside Washington. He's working with our "traditional enemies" who have been our friends for decades, including Russia and China.

It'll all come together. But a lot of damage has been done. I hope the house cleaning happens sooner, rather than later, too, guys… but we all know its coming. We can feel it.

e30783 No.7511

File: 379bf1de51ac504⋯.png (516.87 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, F8FC2C38-7CD1-4819-BAFB-0C….png)

It does not matter. Most of this shit is really going down. “Disinformation is necessary”.

In other words, we already know half this shit is fake (look at the archive from this thread. The guy who says he busted the 4 confirms actual shit is going down.

A lot of shot is going down.

The future proves the past means that the things hat drop will prove what is real from these questions.

Keep going folks! Let’s weed out our garden later, the confirmation of drops from news will tell us what is real and what is fake!




Is real look at trumps tweet about fake news yesterday!

He wrote “plus”

6e5189 No.7544



Curious for proof that Mega was outed. Sauce for that?

952b34 No.7616


>He's working with our "traditional enemies" who have been our friends for decades, including Russia and China.

Proof of this is how Russia is now mediating peace talks in the ME while the US has moved onto other areas "isis" has fled to.

b57e6c No.7640

Leaving these here for the doubting Thomas.

Not my posts, done by a far higher level autist than myself.



Ask yourselves, would the people 'meganon' claims to be Q be able to do this.

188e0c No.7667

File: f99efbf4671c04b⋯.jpg (107.38 KB, 725x499, 725:499, 1510674946329.jpg)


Whatever the case, fuck that condescending whore meganon. That bitch does not rate the fucking I-know-something-you-dont-know attitude she always fucking has.

bb6fe7 No.7670

File: d50ef98b77fe134⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB, 854x474, 427:237, IMF_quotes_JFK.mp4)

File: efdf1252712b5f1⋯.jpg (773.14 KB, 2510x1409, 2510:1409, to_hell.jpg)

File: 138b676c86896a5⋯.jpg (56.59 KB, 600x600, 1:1, happy_trump.jpg)


Agreed, if DJT had a problem with what we were doing it would be shut down, or he'd just be just tell us to knock it off on twitter.

"Pepe goes on vacation".

Plus Q's identity, while interesting to speculate is pointless, theres nothing actionable about that information.

And on, not to you but to everybody else about the low level insider social media nonsense. Listen people. The NSA has collected and analyzed this post before it was even posted to this forum, the shills, shortly soon after posted to this forum. The NSA has control over all the major internet backbones. They do not play by the same rules your 1337 hackers do. They have the legal authority, and collusion with manufacturers to place hidden API's into every single chip in your phone and computer, every IoT device. Do not be fooled, this is by DESIGN. Formerly the NSA was abused and used to spy on American Citizens . If this Shadow War is real (and ProTip: >>4747 it is). The NSA has pulled out all the stops. There is no fucking way a 'low level insider' was overlooked for OVER A WEEK. There is a REAL Shadow War happening; ask yourself, is DJT going to pull any punches? Fuck no. They have given nearly unlimited power by (((their))) declaration of war by the previous administrations who were using that power against YOU and the entire WORLD on (((false pretenses))), and they are going to USE that power to destroy the fucking swamp in this Shadow War. Then they're going to perp walk every rich talmudic piece of shit who's controlled the potential of civilization and just by freeing humanity, just by doing that we will have unlimited prosperity. Nobody wants a fucking war, everyone just wants to be free and sovereign. You know who's getting Military Tribunals? People who are involved in the Military. Who's involved in the Military? Presidents. That's why shills are kvetching about military tribunals, they're going to paint it as DJT is being a dictator and Military Tribunal everybody, when in reality it's going to be a few key people who have betrayed the institutions that DARED to violate the US Military, then treat it as a sacred institution to your face.

>inb4 they'll fight.

State Governors can activate the National Guard. The President is allowed to attach Marines to National Guard units in this event. It usually happens for relief efforts but it's not limited to that kind of thing. There does not need to be Martial Law to get these pieces of shit to court. All the Governors have to do is active the NG and you've got Uncle Sams Misguided Children on the ground. What would you choose? The book or the bullet? Stepping down or public humiliation of your weak and sick mind and willingness to sell out the people whom they WORK for for some pizza and a couple of greenbacks.

This might be the best end game scenario, and probably the most optimistic, but seriously, have you ever, and I mean ever gotten less from DJT?

6b5ab6 No.8658

i read that thread for meganon explaining how she warned everybody q was larp, etc.

the thing that bothered me was the random anon in there shilling pretty obviously for her to other anons.

that stuck out.

having said that, im still confused. q may have been fake, but the research has been useful.

so there's that.

bb6fe7 No.8663


Can you not read?>>7670

Do you think the NSA is incompetent?

Do you think a 'low level insider' would have gotten away with this shit for over a week?

Use your brain, and you no longer have to doubt.

77336f No.8678


To play devil’s associate, theoretically if those photos were taken with the intention of being part of the compilation video about the trip posted on Twitter and then not utilized, the WH intern theory would still hold true.

bb6fe7 No.8685


Then why did the NSA let it go on for an ENTIRE WEEK.

77336f No.8697


I dunno? I’m not trying to be a shill here, just throwing out a thought.

I’m of the opinion there are massive things going on behind the scenes that we aren’t privy to. Maybe the NSA thought that the analysis being done had some worth? Maybe their attention was focused on other things going on? I do think that 4chan has a lot more influence on the internet sphere than the casual person thinks, but I dunno if the NSA is going to monitor it 24/7. Might be off base there though!

bb6fe7 No.8716


I'm not accusing you of shilling, I seriously want to hash this out.

>I'm of the opinion there are massive things going on behind the scenes that we aren't privy to.


>Maybe the NSA thought that the analysis being done had some worth?

That's fine, but then why not commandeer the identity and use it for it's purposes.

>Maybe their attention was focused on other things going on?

It's safe to say there's always a person on the Mongolian Fingerpainting forum working for Alphabet and you can be damn sure they're analyzing our posts before they are even posted. That's well within their capabilities and the IMF threatened POTUS meaning that there is an actual War happening, it's a matter of time before it gets to MSM and in what form it takes there, it might be NK.

It takes no effort not to add pol to their list of things to look over, shareblue does it why wouln't they? I'd imagine Q would have been shut down when they were talking about attempts on POTUS' life and the IMF quoting JFK to the president, and then the stream being cut REALLY seems to imply that there's an actual war on. If there REALLY is a war on the NSA becomes gods.

77336f No.8733


I don’t have any answers in order to further develop unfortunately. It does seem weird that things were allowed to progress that far.

It either means Q is legit, which is, in a way scary, or, perhaps worse, that the government is that inept to let this drag on for a month.

bb6fe7 No.8750


>Government is inept.

Who knew about NK before Q?

Fucking nobody. They know exactly what they're doing.

77336f No.8770


Then there’s only one option left! I think the NSA allowing things to linger as they did for as long as they did is the best evidence that the information Q encouraged people to research is valid and approved by the administration.

82fd92 No.8779


Anthony Weiner

bb6fe7 No.8789


I agree!

ae1af5 No.8900


There would be no reason to shut it down. People claiming to be "in the know" or sources are everywhere. No one threatened anyone, no pizzagate reduxx, so "tin foilers" being contained isn't really a high priority. Now if some truly classified stuff had come out? that's a crime. And it isn't one they are going to get on here and tell us, or splain it to us.

There were holes in Meg's answer. There were holes in the tripcode Q stuff and a definite agenda of sending us all over the place. As long as this doesn't turn into some crutch cult looking for crumbs instead of doing research - essentially blinded to other things in containment. It's fine.

Earlier today, the logic given that they did it to try and make us all look stupid by ensuring the super conspiracy peeps showed up and then leaking it to the press to make the president look bad, had possibility. Sure. it is possible… but I doubt it.

bb6fe7 No.8912

File: 213cb4ba5491b6c⋯.png (191.27 KB, 742x291, 742:291, Screenshot from 2017-11-28….png)


I think this would have shut it down tbh.

ca72b2 No.10486


No way, Trump Administration is that incompetent to allow a bunch of interns access to data. Also, consider the AF1 photos & video:

1) Are the interns on the plane taking photos?

2) Did the interns create the videos in Asia?

3) Did the interns get the pilot of AF1 to deliberately fly over NK? (so they can post to 4Chan their legitimacy?)

138174 No.10709

Rumor has it that Q will be back on 12/3

ca72b2 No.10791


Thanks Q!

24d022 No.11138


Was here today, in the general thread.

24d022 No.11150




e78ecf No.11585

deception… waste the opposition's resources monitoring and assessing possible attacks, the bad guys will be aware of Q posts, regardless of Q legitimacy those employed to assess threats and run damage control will need to check and ensure all possible targets are covered, HRC etc will be going mental, probably doing more self harm and if they are being monitored creating their own bread crumb trails exposing previously forgotten crimes,

who knows where the bodies are buried? the answer? the killers.

e279e7 No.11864


Which thread? pls

671e33 No.12234





eeb872 No.46843


And Q is still posting, after 'megafag' said the Q kids had been caught and weren't going to be back.

disinfo and faggy disinfo at that

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