My guess is that it'll take about a week for people to realize that "real Q" ended 11/1 or so, and was legit just trying to dump info and reassurances that our trust wasn't misplaced. After that, getting into metaphysical bullshit, CERN, some aspects of this white rabbit garbage, none of it held the same appeal, or ring of authenticity. Some things, yes. They were pretty obvious, even things that were circumspect, such as asking who runs NK, that were just crazy enough that it was worth looking into.
That was the value of Q. Getting people to meme the least crazy, or crazy enough, material. Its a shame it got so out of hand, because the damage done to people who legit want to disseminate real crumbs, will be btfo for a long time.
FWIW: I absolutely believe there is high level child/human trafficking ring, blackmailing, and a deep state rogue government funding our "enemies", poisoning our streets, and killing anyone who gets in its way. I believe Trump was asked to run, supported in phenomenal ways, including inside help in unfucking the election results they had been planning for years to steal. I believe there are big things coming, but it has to be held to Rule of Law parameters, and will get the big players up to a point. Obama will not be arrested. At most, he'll be forced to retire to his muslim palaces overseas.
Trump & co. devastated their money supply, their inside dealings and is liberating people from fear inside Washington. He's working with our "traditional enemies" who have been our friends for decades, including Russia and China.
It'll all come together. But a lot of damage has been done. I hope the house cleaning happens sooner, rather than later, too, guys… but we all know its coming. We can feel it.