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File: 731a727287b05c8⋯.jpg (32.02 KB, 206x299, 206:299, 206px-Deutsche-Bank-Frankf….jpg)

01c3a0 No.37758

All Deutsche Bank research in here:

>Reuters Backup: https://archive.fo/UlsVS

>Dems (watters and green) request: https://archive.fo/FzXvr

>Request PDF: https://archive.fo/mWw6A

97f418 No.37794

Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for records on Trump and his family, however a quick search of Deutsche Bank + Uranium turns up articles from a few years ago on their involvement, along with Goldman Sachs, in Uranium trading… Goldman Sachs ties to Iran and Uranium back in the late 70s, Deutsche Bank AND Goldman Sachs paid Bill Clinton for speaking engagements and paid money to the Clinton Foundation!!!






f15926 No.37805

01c3a0 No.37820

So Deutsche Bank & Goldman Sachs sell uranium to third world countries to terrorize first world countries into payoffs while they skim off the sales.

> Goldman Sachs, the other major bank active in uranium trading, is also selling its nuclear fuel arm, but has said it remains committed to its J.Aron commodities franchise where many of its most senior executives started their careers.

> The sale will include Deutsche’s uranium trading book and stockpiles of yellowcake - known as U308 in the industry - worth about $200 million. At current prices that amounts to approximately 5.7 million lbs of the low-grade fuel.

>Deutsche is one of the biggest suppliers of longer-term deals to nuclear power plants in the market, and is also an active player in the spot market. All long-term deals would be honored as part of any sale.

>Trading firms like Deutsche and Goldman buy and hold uranium stockpiles in warehouses specially licensed to hold the fuel, like U.S. conglomerate Honeywell International Inc’s (HON.N) ConverDyn facility in Metropolis, Illinois; Cameco’s (CCO.TO) Port Hope facility in Ontario; and French mining and energy firm Areva SA’s AREVA.PA facility in France.

>About 80 percent of global uranium supplies are traded via long-term contracts between producers and utilities, but around 20 percent of deals are done in the spot market, which sets the marginal price, according to the World Nuclear Association.

>The sale comes as uranium prices languish at their lowest since 2005.

>Financial firms started to get into the uranium business in the mid 2000s when uranium prices were rising on expectations demand for the fuel would grow during a so-called nuclear renaissance. The price of uranium surged last decade to peak at nearly $140 per pound in 2007.

97f418 No.37890


Or Deutsche Bank was involved in the facilitation of the Uranium One deal? Deutsche Bank paid out millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation!

01c3a0 No.37896

Deutsche Bank Supporting the British Red Cross Society's UK solidarity fund

> As the UK begins to recover from the impact of the recent incidents across the UK and at London Bridge and Borough Market this weekend, Deutsche Bank is honouring and supporting those who have suffered or been affected. The bank is also matching contributions from employees and contractors (outside of usual Matched Giving allowances) to the British Red Cross’ UK solidarity fund, which helps the victims of terror anywhere in the UK. Please ensure you use your Deutsche Bank email address to enable your donation to be matched.


f15926 No.37928


Do you have this, Jan 2017?

Penalties for money laundering, Deutsche Bank


97f418 No.37936


Connection to Red Cross too! Nice! My gut tells me that if we keep digging on Deutsche Bank, this is going to get really good!

01c3a0 No.38068

File: 479a016f9b5201d⋯.png (301.5 KB, 1157x562, 1157:562, 4483f8a34cffb296f87a79d3d1….png)


Someone posted this as the key in the other thread. Now I'm convinced these news leaks are the legend/map telling us where to research next. My working theory:

- (((They))) set up wars fund both sides (guaranteed country debt)

- red cross comes in to "aid" both sides while stealing anything of value while the war is going on

- once the war is over, they beg for donations world wide

- Rinse and repeat for every natural or man made disaster (those fuckers are ALWAYS first on the scene)

All funds funneled through the main banks (goldman sacs, Deutsche Bank, etc) and then directly to switzerland.

Uranium is their shakedown tool like the mob. Either countries pay out of fear/convenience or they get nuked. Ciniggers set up shop in third world countries (iran, NK, pakistan) so they can easily control the population, without all of the rules that come with a first world nation.

01c3a0 No.38089

I'll even go a step further, back through each detail Q released and I'm almost sure all of them link back to the red cross in some way.

01c3a0 No.38133

> >>37794

>The paper reported that many of the donors who paid Bill Clinton to speak and gave to his foundation were "major financial institutions that are viewed suspiciously by liberals whom Clinton has been courting as she seeks to secure the Democratic nomination." Goldman Sachs, Barclays Capital, Deutsche Bank, and Citi Group gave between $2.75 million and $11.5 million to the foundation and paid more than $3 million to Bill Clinton for speeches.


97f418 No.38440

Q just told me Deutsche Bank is "FAKE NEWS"

97578c No.42572

I still don't understand the significance of Uranium One. Uranium is obsolete in a world of scalar/directed energy weaponry. Much of which was the following is involved in 9/11. Deutschebank, PROMIS, suspension of normal SEC clearing rules, to xfer money held in accounts at WTC, scalar weapons (Rife machines for buildings, see work of Dr. Judy Wood), SA, Bushes, Black Eagle Trust, the rape of Russia, etc etc. Is that the direction we should take Q?

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