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b410a7  No.37441

This is a focused thread for connecting the dots in Africa. Not limited to but including:

-Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

-HIV, Depo Provera, and population control

-Ebola, Bubonic Plague in Madagascar

-Mining rights, Rio Tinto++ gold, diamonds

-Human trafficking routes and organ harvesting

-Drone bases

-That fucking clown Bono and his shitty terrible music that won't ever go away

I have a couple topics I am developing for this thread from personal experience there, in Africa, the country. Refer to Q post, 11/14:

>Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged, and raped while leaders/law enforcement of the world turn a blind eye.

>Perhaps he was tired of seeing how certain races/countries were being constantly abused and kept in need/poor/and suffering all for a specific purpose.

f76a93  No.37856


A few highlights on Bono

b410a7  No.37860

I want to start with a tried and true CBTS concept here, that the future proves the past. This is a story that involves the small country of Guinea-Conakry, the only French colony to not sign the treaty at the "end" of the Colonial Era. Guinea is notable for its natural resources: bauxite, iron, gold, diamonds.


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday put on hold a $10 billion lawsuit against George Soros in which companies controlled by fellow billionaire Beny Steinmetz claimed his campaign of defamation cost them a lucrative iron ore deposit in Guinea.

While rejecting Soros’ request to dismiss the lawsuit, U.S. District Judge John Keenan in Manhattan said the hold should continue pending an arbitration between Steinmetz’s BSG Resources and the West African country of Guinea, which he said would likely resolve many underlying issues.

“We are pleased with the decision,” said Joseph Baio, a lawyer for Soros.

“We are pleased that the court did not dismiss the claims,” said Louis Solomon, a New York-based lawyer for BSG. “We think the arbitration will strengthen our case here, and look forward to continuing the lawsuit.”

Soros, 87, is worth $8 billion and Steinmetz, 61, is worth $1.15 billion, Forbes magazine said on Wednesday.

BSG accused Soros and groups he helps fund of propagating “untrue” corruption allegations and paying Guinean officials to strip it of mining rights, causing it to lose its rights to the Simandou deposit in April 2014.

It said the Hungarian-born Soros had been driven by a grudge dating to 1998, when he “falsely concluded” that Steinmetz cost him a big business loss in Russia, as well as hostility toward Israel. Steinmetz is Israeli.

In Wednesday’s decision, Keenan said Soros established that the “same key issues” in the April 2017 lawsuit underlay BSG’s arbitration before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes in Paris, which began in August 2014.

Keenan said BSG would not suffer “undue hardship” by waiting for the arbitration to take its course, and that a resolution “will likely provide significant insight into, if not actually resolve” claims in the lawsuit, including fraud and defamation.

Steinmetz’s ability to travel has been restricted since last December, when he was put under house arrest for two weeks in connection with a probe into alleged bribery of senior public officials in Guinea.

BSG and Steinmetz have denied wrongdoing, and Steinmetz was released without charge. On Nov. 15, a court in Israel said Steinmetz could leave that country, but not travel to Africa and all but six countries in Europe.

The New York case is BSG Resources (Guinea) Ltd et al v Soros et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No. 17-02726.

b410a7  No.37872

You may be unaware of the condition under which the French colonies were freed. Say, isn't there a Rothschilds branch in France? They even stripped the telephone wires out of the embassy: http://siliconafrica.com/france-colonial-tax/

>Did you know many African countries continue to pay colonial tax to France since their independence till today!

>When Sékou Touré of Guinea decided in 1958 to get out of french colonial empire, and opted for the country independence, the french colonial elite in Paris got so furious, and in a historic act of fury the french administration in Guinea destroyed everything in the country which represented what they called the benefits from french colonization.

>Three thousand French left the country, taking all their property and destroying anything that which could not be moved: schools, nurseries, public administration buildings were crumbled; cars, books, medicine, research institute instruments, tractors were crushed and sabotaged; horses, cows in the farms were killed, and food in warehouses were burned or poisoned.

>The purpose of this outrageous act was to send a clear message to all other colonies that the consequences for rejecting France would be very high.

>Slowly fear spread trough the african elite, and none after the Guinea events ever found the courage to follow the example of Sékou Touré, whose slogan was “We prefer freedom in poverty to opulence in slavery.”

There are parallels to Haiti here

b410a7  No.37944

The Simandou mine, what is it?

>The Simandou mine is a large iron mine located in the Simandou mountain range of southern Guinea's Nzérékoré Region. Simandou represents one of the largest iron ore reserves in Guinea and in the world having estimated reserves of 2.4 billion tonnes of ore grading 65% iron metal.


>The first entrant on the scene was the miner (((Rio Tinto)))++, which acquired exploration rights in 1997. But Rio was deemed to have dragged its heels on the project. The Guinean government, under its authoritarian president, Lansana Conté, grew impatient, and stripped the company of half its rights in July 2008. Six months later, shortly before Conté’s death, BSGR won the rights to blocks 1 and 2 of Simandou.

>The decision was met with some surprise: BSGR was not considered a specialist in iron ore mining. (It disputed this at ICSID, arguing it had plenty of expertise.) BSGR, first registered in Jersey, then Guernsey, was founded by Steinmetz in 2003, and focused on (((diamond mining,))) the source of his family’s wealth. The ultimate owner of the company is a (((Lichtenstein foundation called Balda and Steinmetz))) and his family are the main beneficiaries. Steinmetz himself is thought to be worth around $2.9bn (£2.4bn).

>BSGR paid nothing for the licence to explore Simandou, though it says that it spent $160m developing the mine. In any case, it always intended to bring in a partner: in 2010, with the price of iron ore soaring, the Brazilian mining company Vale agreed to pay $2.5bn for 51pc of BSGR’s slice of Simandou. Vale made an upfront payment of $500m; the rest was never paid. It was dubbed “the deal of the century”, a sensational victory for Steinmetz.

Simandou mountain

Simandou could treble Guinea's GDP

>But matters began to unravel with the election of Alpha Condé as president of Guinea in late 2010. Condé’s government did not like the way Guinea’s biggest asset had been parcelled up. The following year, Rio paid $711m to settle “outstanding issues” in Guinea and shore up its claim to blocks 3 and 4 of Simandou. Steinmetz called this “extortion”. He claimed the Guinean government demanded $1.25bn from BSGR for the same purpose, and refused to pay. Guinea says it floated the idea but never formally demanded any money.

>From then on, according to BSGR, Guinea resolved to eject it from Simandou. Vale walked away in 2012, blaming a slump in the iron ore market, and in 2014, a government committee cancelled BSGR’s rights.

>The legal fall-out has been considerable. Rio, a FTSE 100 company, sued BSGR and Vale in 2014, but had its case thrown out on a technicality. Rio then reported itself to the authorities last year over a $10.5m payment it made in 2011 to a French banker for his help arranging its settlement with Guinea. BSGR has said it will counter-sue Rio for damages; Rio has said it will defend itself “robustly”.

>Vale is also seeking arbitration against BSGR over their failed joint venture in Guinea. Neither Vale or Rio would comment on the ICSID hearing.

>To date, two people have been convicted on charges relating to corruption in Simandou. Frederic Cilins, a BSGR associate who forms a central part of Guinea’s case, served two years in prison in the US for obstructing an (((FBI investigation.))) Earlier this year, Mahmoud Thiam, Guinea’s former minister of mines, who backed BSGR’s deal with Vale, was found guilty of laundering $8.5m in bribes he allegedly took in exchange for helping a Chinese company secure mining rights.

Prosecutors in the US, Switzerland and Israel continue to circle the case. In December, Israeli police detained Steinmetz and Asher Avidan, the former head of BSGR in Guinea. Both have restrictions on where they can fly, preventing them from appearing before ICSID in person.

For Steinmetz, the ICSID hearing was a chance to elaborate on his passionately held belief that BSGR is the victim of a conspiracy. The target of his fury is the billionaire philanthropist (((George Soros,))) who became an adviser to President Condé in 2010. Steinmetz claims Soros was motivated by personal animosity to sabotage BSGR’s claims in Guinea, saying: “He’s nuts. The guy has an obsession with me.” BSGR has threatened to sue Soros for $10bn in damages. Soros’s representative calls Steinmetz’s claims a “PR stunt”.

b410a7  No.37960

Enter (((WHO)))


>On 26 December 2013, a 2-year-old boy in the remote Guinean village of Meliandou fell ill with a mysterious illness characterized by fever, black stools, and vomiting. He died 2 days later. Retrospective case-finding by WHO would later identify that child as West Africa’s first case of Ebola virus disease. The circumstances surrounding his illness were ominous.

b410a7  No.38012

Future proves the past (I am blacktexting from here on out, please read the full articles):


In July, 2008, (((Rio Tinto))) was stripped of its license. Guinean officials then granted exploration permits for half of the deposit to a much smaller company: (((Beny Steinmetz Group Resources, or B.S.G.R. Beny Steinmetz is, by some estimates, the richest man in Israel;))) according to Bloomberg, his personal fortune amounts to some nine billion dollars. Steinmetz, who made his name in the diamond trade, hardly ever speaks to the press, and the corporate structures of his various enterprises are so convoluted that it is difficult to assess the extent of his holdings. The Simandou contract was a surprising addition to Steinmetz’s portfolio, because B.S.G.R. had no experience exporting iron ore. A mining executive in Guinea told me, “Diamonds you can carry away from the mine in your pocket. With iron ore, you need infrastructure that can last decades.”

(((Rio Tinto))) angrily protested the decision. “We are surprised that a company that has never built an iron-ore-mining operation would have been awarded an area of our concession,” a spokesman said at the time. Company officials complained to the U.S. Embassy in Conakry; one of them suggested that Steinmetz had no intention of developing the mine himself, and planned instead to flip it—“to obtain the concession and then sell it for a big profit.” Rio Tinto viewed Steinmetz, who was rumored to have extensive contacts in (((Israeli intelligence,))) as a suspicious interloper. According to a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks, the general manager of Rio Tinto told the U.S. Embassy that he did not feel comfortable discussing the Simandou matter on an “unsecured” cell phone. Alan Davies, a senior executive at Rio Tinto, told me that the company had invested hundreds of millions of dollars at the site, and had been moving as expeditiously as possible on a project that would have required decades to complete. “This was quite a shocking event for the company,” he said.

In Conakry, there were rumors that Steinmetz had acquired the concession through bribes. According to Transparency International, Guinea is one of the most corrupt countries on earth. A (((Human Rights Watch))) report suggested that, when Steinmetz acquired his parcel of Simandou, Guinea was effectively a kleptocracy, with its leaders presiding over “an increasing criminalization of the state.” A recent report by the Africa Progress Panel, which is chaired by Kofi Annan, suggests that well-connected foreigners often purchase lucrative assets in Africa at prices far below market value, by offering inducements to predatory local élites. “Africa’s resource wealth has bypassed the vast majority of African people and built vast fortunes for a privileged few,” it says. The report highlights the billions of dollars that Vale agreed to pay Steinmetz for Simandou, noting that “the people of Guinea, who appear to have lost out as a result of the undervaluation of the concession, will not share in that gain.”

When he was elected President, Condé was seventy-two years old, and he had spent much of his life in exile. He left Guinea as a boy, when it was still ruled by France, and eventually settled in Paris, where he became a leader of the pan-African student movements of the nineteen-sixties. He studied law, lectured at the University of Paris, and emerged as perhaps the most famous member of the Guinean opposition. For this distinction, he was sentenced to death, in absentia, by the first despot to rule an independent Guinea, and jailed for more than two years by the second, after he returned, in 1991, to run, unsuccessfully, for President. The 2010 election was bitter—his challenger, Cellou Dalein Diallo, had been a government minister when Condé was thrown in jail. After Condé was finally inaugurated as President, he pledged to be the Nelson Mandela of Guinea.

Condé was defensive about the fact that he had spent so much of his life abroad; when I raised the subject, he snapped, “I know Guinea better than those who have never left.” But his outsider status meant that he was not implicated in the scandals of past administrations. And, having spent much of his life in France, he was strikingly at ease in places like (((Davos.))) The U.S. Ambassador in Conakry, Alex Laskaris, told me, “Condé has a much broader circle of contacts and advisers globally than any other African head of state I’ve dealt with.” (((Bernard Kouchner,))) the former foreign minister of France, went to high school with Condé, and is a good friend. Kouchner introduced him to (((George Soros,))) the billionaire financier, who became an informal adviser, and connected him with Paul Collier, the Oxford economist. Collier, in turn, introduced Condé to Tony Blair, who offered him assistance through an organization that he runs, the Africa Governance Initiative.

ac7ac7  No.38670

Aaaaand there was a trafficking ring bust in Ghana.

Aaaaand the Clinton Foundation is processing "fish guts" into organic fertilizer in Ghana.

Is there ANY remote corner of the globe that's not infested with these satanic fucksticks???


b410a7  No.38963



In the last week of September 1999, the price of Gold jumped by $11 to $281.10 per ounce in London. This was after 15 European central banks gave a surprise announcement on Sunday 26 September 1999 to curtail the sale of gold from their official reserves for five years. This decision had come in response to the Sharp fall in the price of gold since the UK Treasury had decided in May 1999 to sell 415 tonnes from its reserves. The decision not to sell was welcomed within gold mining circles. A rise in Gold's price it was argued will help gold mine operators hit hard by the collapse of the bullion price earlier that year. The bullion price as at 29 September 1999 was $281 per ounce nearly $30 higher than it was in August when it had reached its lowest for 20 years at $252. The price of gold was to surge to a new high amid volatile trading conditions. On 6 October, the price was fixed at $362.25 per ounce in the morning, before sliding back to $325.50 at the afternoon fix. This unexpected rise in the price of gold resulted in an increase in the long-term value of most mining companies.


Potential Threat to National Security of Ghana

The sale of majority shares of Ghana Telecom, GT, to Vodafone will have the potential to diminish the integrity of Ghana’s sovereignty and threaten its national security.

Since taking over power of the state of Ghana in 2001, the New Patriotic Party, NPP, government led by President John Agyekum Kufuor, has not ceased playing political games with the telecommunications sector of the country. The expected sale of GT to the British-based Vodafone is ample testimony that the Kufuor administration is bent on handing over a strategic asset of our country to all-comers, within the circuit of neo-colonization and world imperialism.

5f1c72  No.39061

Africa isn't the only stage. Any poor countries with "less desirable" demographics.

Think zika outbreak in Brazil.

Not long after the outbreak a cure using the virus to kill brain tumours was discovered.


Controlled experimentation?

6843ff  No.39186

It's really worth noting that Libya is an African nation that was overthrown by Hillary Clinton's U.S. State Department. Quaddafi had plans to introduce an African currency.

France has never truly relinquished its colonial control over Africa. Check out who owns the rights to the groundwater (aquifers) in Africa.

So much about Africa that it's hard to know where to begin. In the context of CBTS, it is very worth noting that few African countries have extradition treaties with the U.S. If one was going to 'bug out' someplace and didn't have a personal submarine to take them to Antartica, Africa would be the safest refuge on terra firma.

b410a7  No.39259


Hillary also had a vendetta against Eritrea. Barrick Gold and Newmont were denied mining rights there in favor of Canadian/Australian firms typically backed by Chinese money.

ኣስመራ 2011

b410a7  No.39325

Back to Guinea:www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/outbreaks/2014-west-africa/united-states-imported-case.html

October 23, 2014 – The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reported a case of Ebola in a medical aid worker who had returned to New York City from Guinea, where the medical aid worker had served with Doctors Without Borders.

The diagnosis was confirmed by CDC on October 24.

The patient has recovered and was discharged from Bellevue Hospital Center on November 11.

October 15, 2014 – A second healthcare worker who provided care for the index patient at Texas Presbyterian Hospital tested positive for Ebola.

This second healthcare worker was transferred to Emory Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia.

The healthcare worker had traveled by air from Dallas to Cleveland on October 10 and from Cleveland to Dallas on October 13. CDC worked to ensure that all passengers and crew on the two flights were contacted by public health professionals to answer their questions and arrange follow up as necessary.

The patient has since recovered and was discharged on October 28.

By November 3, all passengers on both flights completed the 21-day monitoring period.

October 10, 2014 – A healthcare worker at Texas Presbyterian Hospital who provided care for the index patient tested positive for Ebola.

The healthcare worker was isolated after the initial report of a fever and subsequently moved to the National Institutes for Health (NIH) Clinical Center.

The patient has since recovered and was discharged on October 24.

September 30, 2014 – CDC confirmed the first laboratory-confirmed case of Ebola to be diagnosed in the United States in a man who had traveled to Dallas, Texas from Liberia.

The man did not have symptoms when leaving Liberia, but developed symptoms approximately four days after arriving in the United States.

The man sought medical care at Texas Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas after developing symptoms consistent with Ebola. Based on his travel history and symptoms, CDC recommended testing for Ebola. The medical facility isolated the patient (i.e., index patient) and sent specimens for testing at CDC and at a Texas laboratory.

Local public health officials identified all close contacts of the index patient for daily monitoring for 21 days after exposure.

The patient passed away on October 8.

By November 7, all contacts of the patient completed the 21-day monitoring period.

CDC recognizes that any case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States raises concerns, and any death is too many. Medical and public health professionals across the country have been preparing to respond to the possibility of additional cases. CDC and public health officials in Texas, Ohio, and New York took precautions to identify people who had close personal contact with the patients, and healthcare professionals have been reminded to use meticulous infection control at all times.


>Total Cases (Suspected, Probable, and Confirmed): 28,652

>Laboratory-Confirmed Cases: 15,261

>Total Deaths: 11,325

b410a7  No.39406

(((WHO))) would do such a thing? www.who.int/medicines/ebola-treatment/guinea_ebola_trial/en/

The World Health Organization (WHO) is supporting acceleration of new Ebola interventions in West Africa. As part of these efforts, WHO has been working with Guinean authorities, Médecins sans Frontières, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and a number of other partners to design a study that could help determine the effectiveness of the two lead vaccine candidates. Finances for the study are provided by the Research Council of Norway, Wellcome Trust, IDRC Canada, MSF and WHO.

Provided the study is approved by the Guinean authorities, the partners plan to test in the initial phase the rVSV vaccine, developed by the Public Health Agency of Canada and NewLink Genetics, and recently licensed to Merck. It uses an attenuated form of an animal virus called vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) which carries a non-infectious segment of the Ebola virus genome, to train the immune system to fight against Ebola.

The rVSV vaccine was selected for the planned trial according to a framework developed by the WHO Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee on Ebola Experimental interventions (STAC-EE). The experts considered a number of criteria to be used in the selection of the vaccine that would be tested first. Criteria included acceptable safety profile, induction of appropriate immune responses, including neutralizing antibodies, and the timely availability of sufficient supplies of vaccine doses.

Besides the planned trial in Guinea, vaccine trials are under way in or planned for Liberia and Sierra Leone. Researchers are also testing medicines and blood products such as convalescent plasma to see if they help patients to recover from the Ebola virus disease.

b410a7  No.39422

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Prince William warns that there are too many people in the world

Victoria Ward

2 November 2017 • 10:33pm

Rapidly growing human populations risk having a "terrible impact" on the world, the Duke of Cambridge has warned.

The Duke said that as a result, wildlife was being put under "enormous pressure" and called for the issue to be addressed with renewed vigour.

His concerns echo those of his grandfather, the Duke of Edinburgh, who in 2011 advocated “voluntary family limitation" as a means of solving overpopulation, which he described as the biggest challenge in conservation.

His grandson, royal patron of the Tusk Trust, told the charity’s gala dinner in London that measures needed to be taken to save certain animal populations.

“In my lifetime, we have seen global wildlife populations decline by over half,” he said.

52c908  No.41593

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b410a7  No.42567

Bill and Melinda Gates love Depo-Provera. No one wanted it in the West, and you had all these dangerous contraceptives lying around, gathering dust, so what do you do? The only (((sensible thing))): pop.org/usaid-needs-to-warn-women-of-the-dangers-of-depo-provera/

Despite mounting evidence of serious side effects associated with the use of injectable contraceptives, international aid programs continue to indiscriminately distribute Depo-Provera under various brand names worldwide.

Indeed, a coalition of family planning partners including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), and others are seeking to inject even more vulnerable women in developing countries with risky injectable contraceptives.

Like the injectable contraceptives that preceded it, the new one-time use injectable contraceptive—called Sayana Press—is intended to be administered by an unlicensed “community health worker” with minimal training, or even by women themselves.

To put it another way, Sayana Press is simply the latest weapon to be used by the West in its ongoing war against the fertility of poor women. For more than two decades, poorly trained “community health workers” have been pushing Depo-Provera injections in many African and Asian countries.

b410a7  No.42666

After causing the Ebola outbreak and media storm surrounding it, it turns out that the Ebola vaccine "developed in Canada and licensed by Merck" was so effective they stopped trials to vaccinate everyone exposed immediately. Because they already had the vaccine.


The World Health Organization, which acknowledged shortcomings in its response to the West Africa outbreak, led the study of the vaccine, which was developed by the Canadian government and is now licensed to the U.S.-based Merck & Co. Results were published Thursday.

Merck is expected to seek regulatory approval in the U.S. and Europe sometime next year.

The experimental vaccine was given to about 5,800 people last year in Guinea as the virus was waning. All had some contact with a new Ebola patient. They got the vaccine right away or three weeks later. After a 10-day waiting period, no Ebola cases developed in those immediately vaccinated, while 23 cases turned up among those with delayed vaccination.

The Lancet paper published Thursday mostly crystallizes what was already largely known from interim results released last year. The vaccine proved so effective that the study was stopped midway so that everyone exposed to Ebola in Guinea could be immunized.

"I really believe that now we have a tool which would allow [us] to control a new outbreak of Ebola of the Zaire strain," said Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny, a WHO assistant director-general who was the study's lead author. "It's the first vaccine for which efficacy has been shown."

She noted that other Ebola vaccines are undergoing testing and that a vaccine is also needed to protect against a second strain, Sudan.l

d48cf2  No.47627

Need MEMEs lads…core function of chans.

2e772d  No.48028


cde974  No.48054

Gauteng Listeria Outbreak = HOAX

Google: "vaccines for Listeria monocytogenes"

look at this FIRST Google result:

A suicidal strain of Listeria monocytogenes is effective as a DNA vaccine delivery system for oral administration.


by S Sinha - ‎2017

Aug 16, 2017 - A suicidal strain of Listeria monocytogenes is effective as a DNA vaccine delivery system for oral administration. Sinha S(1), Kuo CY(1), Ho JK(1), White PJ(1), Jazayeri JA(1), Pouton CW(2). Author information: (1)Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University (Parkville Campus), Melbourne, Victoria, …

… oral vaccines killed these 36 people not a bug !!!

Now look at the DATE of that article …. look at the DATE of the Gauteng Listeria outbreak !!!

36 people dead in Listeriosis outbreak in SA

2017-12-05 09:49


Co-incidence??? NOT !!!!

They are TESTING their theory !!!!

52c908  No.48102

The Red Cross of Kenya, Red Crescent and Global Fund have been working together sine 2006.


The Kenya Red Cross page below hasn't been updated since 2014 and some of the buttons/links don't work


The e-plus link at the bottom links to the Emergency Plus ambulance service which is a company owned by the Kenya Red Cross


ee53ee  No.81789

A shadowy group conducted highly unethical human experimentation in Africa during the early 60's. Attempts at hybridization. Some level of success.

Wish I could source.

d145b6  No.189144

Steinmetz/Soros bump

f3c181  No.213252

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