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File: 9e5610384bd7998⋯.jpg (42.22 KB, 600x600, 1:1, db172a6e1f5e3c6827f0b514f3….jpg)

File: 6f2f7140c2f400a⋯.jpg (111.55 KB, 704x499, 704:499, page-16.jpg)

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f5d996 No.36791

This thread is dedicated to anything and everything cross related.

f5d996 No.36792

File: 1189f8ff3887cd9⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 500x454, 250:227, blackwater12_07.jpg)

File: b12561e5c1e5dcb⋯.jpg (13.12 KB, 182x277, 182:277, c7844bc1f57e1ab12add3a50bd….jpg)

File: b9bb54a1fbadeae⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 500x353, 500:353, cross came from Ankh.jpg)

File: c00f4e4b3494702⋯.jpg (13.25 KB, 237x212, 237:212, images (1).jpg)

f5d996 No.36796

File: e1684955778fda3⋯.jpg (104.66 KB, 740x492, 185:123, 10_reasons_why_switzerland….jpg)

File: dad4f164a006f6d⋯.jpg (86.5 KB, 736x1055, 736:1055, 454e6e443c007eb99345839b50….jpg)

File: 8478f7ef3af0684⋯.jpg (204.56 KB, 1300x1187, 1300:1187, 99996c5b9c96989911e48d9bd8….jpg)

File: 30746112df24f36⋯.jpg (16.3 KB, 268x170, 134:85, mdanew.jpg)

f5d996 No.36798

File: f22081f232c5e95⋯.jpg (18.75 KB, 448x257, 448:257, 473351208.jpg)

File: 36a28e44da351ef⋯.jpg (128.42 KB, 728x546, 4:3, astrotheology-symbolism-am….jpg)

File: 50baf4179e7e689⋯.jpg (31.19 KB, 514x532, 257:266, babilonian-maltise-cross.jpg)

File: b9bb54a1fbadeae⋯.jpg (24.76 KB, 500x353, 500:353, cross came from Ankh.jpg)

f37528 No.36806


Y = thieves’ cross


04da2c No.36881

File: 1aeb2387a01c86b⋯.jpg (36.42 KB, 300x525, 4:7, RWS_Tarot_21_World.jpg)

The cross in it's esoteric meaning: http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta45.htm

The world card, the four seasons, the four elements etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_(Tarot_card)

6fc935 No.36972

File: 86cb6d4255fc9ea⋯.png (48.25 KB, 2779x2734, 2779:2734, Satanic-Cross-Leviathan-Cr….png)

File: 7884764c8178a14⋯.jpg (383.49 KB, 1152x678, 192:113, st peter satan2.jpg)

Of Fire and Brimstone

The Satanic Cross was originally the symbol for the element which was called brimstone in antiquity, and which we today know as sulfur. The association of sulfur with Satanism is rather dated, and has its origins in its use as the symbol for sulfur by European alchemists.

It was one of the three special elements alchemists added to the classic Aristotelian system, with the other two being salt and Hydrargum or Quicksilver, which we now call Mercury.

Brimstone is found naturally as a pale yellow solid which is brittle and odorless. In its natural solid (as a block or as a powder) form, sulfur does not react with air. However, when exposed to a flame, it burns in a way that is quite unlike any other element that we know.

The general way people see things is that if a symbol is inverted, the resulting shape must indicate the opposite of the original meaning. On the surface, that is entirely logical and we see this belief at work in the paired representation of many ancient symbols.

Water is depicted by a triangle with its single vertex pointing up, while the complimentary element, fire, is depicted as a triangle with the vertex pointing down. In eastern tradition, the symbol of the male and female, the yin and the yang, are complimentary shapes, too.

By that logic, inverting the cross, we would get the symbol of the opposite of Jesus or God – Satan. That is perhaps the way Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan envisioned things when he adopted the Leviathan Cross as the symbol of his Church.

278fff No.37817

Red Red


Red Cross = "BLOODLINES"


Rothschilds = "+"

367d99 No.38011

File: d71ec304ebea9e4⋯.jpg (159.97 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, eng.jpg)

File: 6d27037d966e1e4⋯.png (450.52 KB, 620x414, 310:207, alpha.png)

File: cb180ca04a3cb8c⋯.jpg (24.44 KB, 574x298, 287:149, american_red_cross_sample_….jpg)

File: ababc1b6a89023d⋯.jpg (59.18 KB, 600x600, 1:1, rc.jpg)

367d99 No.38042

File: d27b72a9ebff609⋯.jpg (20.91 KB, 282x410, 141:205, RoseCross.jpg)

File: 48ebf7626a0e573⋯.jpg (29.88 KB, 250x348, 125:174, rcc.jpg)

File: 28d4235155f1457⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 290x435, 2:3, gnr.jpg)

File: f17cfd72de98375⋯.jpg (199.16 KB, 504x632, 63:79, rose x blue velvet.jpg)

Rose cross-Rosecrutians…seen in movies, logos, emblems

See movie blue velvet

367d99 No.38090

File: 4f96e93a2f6e67d⋯.jpg (192.6 KB, 1037x376, 1037:376, ex.jpg)

File: 6dd06c33e9b52a4⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 1024x541, 1024:541, se7en cross.jpg)

File: d3dfe1627b5fd32⋯.jpg (139.48 KB, 1069x609, 1069:609, indy fez amorc.jpg)

File: 2e90dcf9552baaf⋯.jpg (62.59 KB, 927x666, 103:74, titanic-jack-and-rose1.jpg)

Lots of this stuff in movies if your eyes are not wide shut


Back to Titanic even

1edb82 No.43981

File: 9289502f190baf4⋯.png (413.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, redpill.png)

447003 No.62625

File: 64655b191aa284c⋯.png (16.29 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 750px-Flag_of_Lebanon.svg.png)

File: 7c99c2bebc598ac⋯.png (20.54 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 600px-Flag_of_French_Polyn….png)

File: 442aa7dd7619c1d⋯.png (205.29 KB, 1000x663, 1000:663, austria.png)

if the + are the bad guys maybe the - are the good guys?

591b99 No.65168


You cannot discern good and evil from symbolism alone (when it comes to the cross, at least). They've muddied the waters. Did you know Christians used to use an upside down pentagram which is now the symbol of Satanism? Maybe if you are well-versed on scripture enough you can tell me why.

000000 No.65295


Haplogroup Q or Q-M242 is a Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. That's in keeping with bloodlines… (Kazars & Zionist AshneNAZI's)

000000 No.65318





Obviously means RED CROSS, but RED1 RED2, and other mentions of RED… How about RED.ORG (SHOP RED) - Look at the list of "PARTNERS". Scam Charity to benefit AIDS, the disease that was created by the same evil bastards.

000000 No.65333


"Q Group" with a touch of "Y" - Themic!

70be26 No.79034

File: 598f9d082d045e2⋯.jpg (24.29 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ironcross.2.1224611211.jpg)

File: d16205a01395446⋯.jpg (43.01 KB, 529x433, 529:433, pex_PP2.jpg)


Crosses in the ancient world were two dimensional depictions of the Egyptian pyramids. Imagine looking down from a bird's-eye view of a pyramid. Suppose every corner can become separated. If the pyramid was flattened from the top down, it would resemble very closely many European cross depictions, such as the Iron Cross. Maybe most symmetrical crosses have their true roots from the pyramids.

2706d4 No.113450

As seems to be the case, when neutral powerful information gets co opted by nefarious people and groups, corruption is inevitable.

See these two videos, cross related;



ffe7df No.164908

File: 962ffa88ac2aa72⋯.png (48.89 KB, 890x890, 1:1, shields.png)

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