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File: 18828aa48579cf7⋯.jpg (8.61 KB, 250x204, 125:102, 1510283775228s.jpg)

a7d412 No.3259

SNOW WHITE appears more than anything in the Q -map. It is confirmed as referencing NSA/CIA, but we are told to take it deeper too. There is much depth to the term. The original story reflects ancient knowledge of seven forces of nature (the seven dwarfs), that would preserve the Christian world for many centuries, then be part of a GREAT AWAKENING when discovered. This now-recent discovery also reveals long-hidden messages in the Bible unlocked only with (keyed to) the knowledge of these same natural forces. This is referred to in Revelation as SEVEN SEALS of a book.

The earliest version of the Snow White fairy tale was written in low German, no doubt because it was authored by a Kabbalah sage who understood every living thing is made up of seven distinct but interactive systems. We can also bet the 7 CIA supercomputers named after the seven dwarfs are similarly interactive. But just as the story has it, these same forces of nature would only revive and sustain the Christian world (Snow White) twice. After that, the knowledge of how they work must be revealed to prevent evil men from using it against others. (Picture related)

The study and the whole disclosure is here : https://cog49.com/ft.pdf

Here are some key points within it : https://pastebin.com/gHDKKBjW

See also : https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/149286169#p149289399

a7d412 No.3300

As the last many pages of the pdf illustrate, we are now beyond the church age, and the truth seekers/promoters of the present have imminence in creating a new future.

ca81b6 No.7390

File: deb58328c8b60d5⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 2560x2089, 2560:2089, snow white and the Prince.jpg)

File: 6f97764e08ebd63⋯.jpg (6.92 KB, 200x158, 100:79, snow white and the witch.jpg)


I think it is possible to overthink things. Also, there can be more than one layer of meaning to the signatures. Yes, it is confirmed to be the computer network at CIA - but what about the simple and obvious meaning? The plots of the stories mentioned seem to be the most direct messages. What is the message of snow white? A beautiful girl poisoned by a bad actor operation. She needs to be awakened, but GENTLY with a kiss - not with a ton of bricks. paint the picture: America's sleeping normies need to be awakened gently but asap. They have been lulled to sleep by the daily poison of Op Mockingbird. The repetion of the signature indicates how urgent it is to wake people up.

a7d412 No.9919


Oh, I agree. Gently. But only people fairly well adept in the whole theological picture can meet that aspect of the needs. And that takes a ton of bricks. I don't meme this for the public. It is only useful to the sort of leaders we have here instead.

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