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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: 75f76447dc6333c⋯.jpg (11.42 KB, 240x240, 1:1, QaGxXedX_400x400.jpg)

d2385b No.259032

The LARP is showing

To the dozen or so hardcore anons still browsing this board: are you tired of 'Q' posting stupid memes, links to JewTube, predictions that don't come true, paragraphs from Wikipedia, [random words] in square brackets and OBVIOUS BULLSHIT COMMENTS IN ALL CAPS on /greatawakening/? Take it up with this guy here because he's the one doing it:

https://twitter. com/mrbreadfox

https://twitter. com/sirtrent03 - already taken down

Let's see how long he keeps these up. They're archived of course so taking them down won't do him much good. Anyone recognize him? Let's have a name, address and place of work in Seattle. One anon already thinks that this is:

Travis Joseph Trent from Portland, Oregon

Let's confirm if we can. Breadbox has mentioned both being unable to express his political views because of where he lives and being an hour south of Seattle, so that fits.

And to the real Q - who is still around if my logs are to be believed (and I think they are) - this is your man.

Post last edited at

3242a7 No.259066


This makes no sense…

I am just a guy on twitter…


I have nothing to do with Q posts…

and have expressed my doubts many times on twitter.

Anyone that checks my twitter will know this!

5711b1 No.259163


Checked and keked. Save it for the tribunals Travis.

d97469 No.259189


https:// twitter.com/sirtrent03

Result when one visits -

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

You can search Twitter using the search box below or return to the homepage.

6a9faf No.259190

Whoever that fuck twat is, he’s fucked. Harvest is nigh u cock smoker.

572f9a No.259193


I may know who this is, is there a secure way to contact?

5711b1 No.259198


You can mail me at [email protected]

5711b1 No.259199


You mean he took it down already? Yeah, too late bro.

547c41 No.259205


What are you guys talking about? Is Op saying he is posing as Q? Why would he want everyone to come after him?

5711b1 No.259208


It hasn't been the real Q since Jan 5th. Read the stickied threads.

38d4c5 No.259240

You are looking for Breadbox

Not BreadFox

I am just a guy on twitter…

This is nonsense!

Look at my twitter…

I have been suspicious of Q

and made that clear… For weeks!!!

I am not Breadbox!

I am just a conspiracy theorist…

With a similar name…

You have a thin connection,

I am not the Russian Bot you are looking for!

I have nothing against any of you…

Just a Patriot! Looking for answers…

Just like you!

06c7ea No.259242


why does this sound to me like a (((jew))) crying out?

fc9fb9 No.259269

Of course this is Q. You can tell by the inaccurate predictions and bullshit posts since the start.

65bd1c No.259283









5169a1 No.259314


Why hasn't LARPer Q been posting as of late? Have you been taken in yet? Inquiring minds would like to know.

1c5234 No.259327

New Q predictions are bogus. Larp shows off

Looks more and more like a Repubican Circle Jerk

Q boards being controlled (no anonimity) by people who want to ID you

You must go underground (use burner phone) and start meming for your life because if this fails they are coming for you

Panetta telling Sessions he wants to bypass Congress and get UN approval to go to war (defend country against POTUS). Watch infowars.

Be careful. Infowars, Foxnews and Q are operating in a circle. It looks more like that every day passes

You run for some zionist chills following this unless you start spreading information to people offline and online very fast because if Trump is out they will take a very good look at the traffic collected by NSA going to 4chan, 8chan and reddit to find & punish their enemies.

675d94 No.259343


>I thought all "Q's" were larps?

Everything on /greatawakening/ is a LARP, yes. The Q posts on 4chan /pol/ from Oct 27th and then on this board to Jan 4th were genuine - he gave literally dozens of proofs of authenticity.

Jan 5th, some kids got hold of his tripcode and engineered a move, first to /thestorm/ and then to /greatawakening/ where they've been posting their bullshit ever since.

675d94 No.259344


>Q boards being controlled (no anonimity) by people who want to ID you

This board is not controlled by anyone but me.

0e432c No.259347



TSHTF big time.

(Fuck off with this spam)

5cf2fc No.259365


BO here is banning people on the other board he created. Proves BO is a rogue FBI agent, who not only banned Q, but bans anyone who goes against his lame ideas and bans anyone who exposes the crimes of the FBI, DOJ, the crime syndicate which has taken-over America via control of U.S. ports. BO fag exposed.


baf439 No.259375


>BO here is banning people on the other board he created.

Because he's really tired of seeing the same cut and paste spam from the same little smegheads.

>Proves BO is a rogue FBI agent,

Lol. I wish.

>who not only banned Q,


>but bans anyone who goes against his lame ideas and

Nope. Only spammers.

>bans anyone who exposes the crimes of the FBI, DOJ, the crime syndicate which has taken-over America via control of U.S. ports. BO fag exposed.

You're off-topic. As usual. Despite being given your own stickied thread on here, that's not good enough. You have to fucking follow me around the whole bloody internet and spam every thread on every board I create with your retarded horseshit.


OP is always a fag. Fuck off.

9a00fc No.259401


Save yourself the inconvenience and delete this board, go out, take a walk, think about everything… the migration is complete and I pulled all my content ages ago already, so did others.

The more you persist in "X after Y date is a LARP", the harder the reality will hit. You know deep inside this isn't a larp, Q is a positive NSA faction and you can either do your part or do not, your call, just advising against beating a dead horse and clinging onto another dying horse.

fc9fb9 No.259410


Just curious, when you say he should do his part. Do you mean make these earth changing memes? Or maybe, ridicule anyone that doesn't share my views, by calling them a nigger, kike, faggot, bad actor?

That's all I've seen anyone on these boards "contribute". Hate and anger.

Q real or not, people have a lot of evolving to do before they can worry about something as mature has freedom

4fdbdc No.259418


why do you assume that by saying "post Jan-4 Q is a LARP", you think "all Qs are LARPs!"

1c5234 No.259440


if u read this, make a screenshot. come back tomorrow. they delete everything mentioning scopo_lamine (the assisted suicide drug). maybe the _ helps. try posting this word and watch what happens

follow facts and money. religious cults and stupid gematria are distractions to sidetrack you. ignore all common Conspiracy Ideas as they are a setup for Distraction. this is where they want you

428317 No.259478



The goal is to eliminate the Satanic Cabal.

Everything else is a distraction.

It's that simple.

76d60a No.259481


I've already proved many times over LARPer Q is a bunch of kids from Discord. I find it unlikely that the NSA has recruited them in the meantime.

As for your other advice, no. This board stays up for those few with more than two brain cells to rub together.

76d60a No.259482


>Q is a positive NSA faction

Thanks for the confirmation by the way.

6b8412 No.259510


in that case, then…

I hope that you like this.

I have some good resources. The threads this was on were suddenly archived or just deleted.

This video here, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w , is a remote "soft kill shield" for targeted individuals of all kinds. It will work to destroy many harassments. This other, https://youtube.com/#/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ , is the second version of the targeted individual scatter frequency. I hope that they help."

"Dive deep within yourself, speak to your Higher Self (read Why I am no longer a Lightworker 1 and 2, by Cameron Day), enter your Akashik records, and you shall Know. We are One with the All (Infinite Source) as the All (Infinite Source) is One with Us. If you need more guiding, read from Bibliotecapleyades and Montalk. Finally, listen to the following videos https://youtube.com/watch?v=RQIO9cqwgcE [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=pSyUT2p4H24 [Embed] , https://youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow [Embed] , , https://youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss [Embed] , (commas are flying so they do not become part of the link).

Each has instructions, and the last one is particularly important; only watch it 1 time per day for 5 days, then rest for 2, and then you may repeat it. Beware that sometimes channels will try to brainwash you; the ones I have listed are safe. Reclaim your Divine Sovereignity, Fight the Parasites, STS/Duality Low Vibration/Frquency/Density Beings and the different Matrix Control Systems.

Remember always, do not go into the light when you die."

Demons and archontic parasites absolutely hate the last video!

Also merging one of my other comments:

"The DrVirtual7 has made these amazing videos:https://youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k , to help you with making a Shield of White and Golden Light, and https://youtube.com/watch?v=MrvQ-YNThDg [Embed] , to protect yourself from and dissolve black magic, also cleaning the Space of Self."



How to stop being a TI and protect yourself!:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZCgOoGSLdQ targeted individual scattering frequency version 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T7ltlzscck radio and microwave protection

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mCdYkvmFRo terminate a.i. nanobots

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpH_rXGHX1w t.i. remote soft kill shield: REMOVES many electronic harassments

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXpfPwDVa70 stop r.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n. alliance mind body takeover (video title)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWxuQphPCWI r.e.p.t.i.l.i.a.n. archon (ankle-biters) protection prayer (of the true light)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nRGiNKae8U banish universal predators

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVDGY5BKT5k white and golden light protection

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvyPscRD1ss subconscious mind purger version 2 – clean your universe (very very powerful do not overdo it, only 1 time per day for 5 days, rest, and then do it again if you want)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFXeCJ5j25o etheric flush extraction, will purge and clean your etheric body

each one has instructions

these are very powerful, i trust the drvirtual7, sapien medicine and quadible integrity.

channels which AREN'T to be trusted are: dr dhyaanguru, mind power, mind audio central, meditative mind.

peace, please use this. you are safe. you are strong. you are sovereign. you are divine and no one can hurt you if you don't deem it so. you are a CREATOR. YOU ARE ONE WITH THE INFINITE SOURCE AND THE INFINITE SOURCE IS ONE WITH YOU.

1c0d8c No.259524

U jelly?

1c5234 No.259528


/qresearch people pushing for joining the Federation of Light

people saying "there are also positive ETs"

This is just good cop vs bad cop.

1c5234 No.259529


Nonsense. There are no black goo ET aliens. These are made up by the same cabal who are targetting citizens (TIs)

They are just replacing the old cabal with the new (ET simulation). This was the Nazi plan all along since the 1940s

The reason they are pushing this now is because Trump killed TPP and NAFTA and this creates a problem for the BIS-FED moneylines to the old satanic cabal.

Ask yourself… do you feel better knowing there are some satanists running around (and you have money you can spend freely)


do you feel better the NSA is controlling the ET simulation and people are pushed in a cashless society (full control over what you do)?

There will be positive ETs (Plaidaen crap) for human slaves who accept the cabal replacement. And for those who complain there are the negative ETs.

These boards are for autists to learn about the 70 year of "hidden history" and accept a new false truth. So please don't bother people with audotracks to protect against reptillians because they are just the same intelligence agencies running these boards.

151303 No.259532

File: 48bac9d8af42377⋯.png (151.42 KB, 1217x703, 1217:703, 35white.png)

File: 2fffd4935915003⋯.png (197.58 KB, 1326x689, 102:53, black35-2.png)

File: db7879a7188f87d⋯.png (100.13 KB, 1203x685, 1203:685, checkandfinished.png)

final three moves of Qs chess game

in case anyone wonders where it stands.

its our move.. 35 white

c634a2 No.259547


Sorry dude, but the anons that remain here are convinced that from Jan. 5th onwards "Q" has someone LARPing. Did you even read any of the posts in this bread, or the other bread where BO provides evidence to this fact?

Too bad for you that in chess the King doesn't die.

BTW, Jeff Sessions is a moron, and I have to questions POTUS's intelligence for keeping him on board. Do you really trust someone who wants to violate the will of the voters in states that legalized cannabis and thinks it is as harmful as heroin? That muppet-looking idiot needs to legalize it or get BTFO.

0cf7bc No.259557

"Q" moving to his own board, removed the ability for BO to validate the claims of being legit. Unless I am completely missing something with who mods the new "Q" boards. It's a very dangerous situation when people who should know better are simply swept up in the "storm" and want to believe everything no matter who may be pulling the strings.

I am still following it, but it definately feels off. The posts are not the same and it is clear as day.

679ba2 No.259578


>king does not die

but check mate, and a winning side, exist.

679ba2 No.259580


>aliens do not exist at all


>aliens are a simulation


>pleyadian aliens are going to save us all

Each One saves himself, using the DIvine Eternal Sovereign and Freeness that is granted to each One.

that "crap" that you name, is called the "false light"

>audio doesn't have incredible effects

RIfe? Tesla? Binaural beats? Isochronic pulses? The brain's frequencies? Schumann's resonance? et al…

679ba2 No.259581


>((("federation of light")))


b10697 No.259586

File: 0e29fc22a37944d⋯.jpg (355.96 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1.jpg)

"I came to kick ass, and chew bubblegum. I'm all out of bubblegum…"

5147c2 No.259587

File: 498bee1b812b182⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 728x506, 364:253, Glowing Clowns.jpg)

a24e72 No.259642



That's not "qresearch people" that's me and a few anons.

I'm the guy that has been "spamming" this for the longest time.

And we are not pushing anyone, we are breaking the quarantine.

How big is the difference between "there are also positive ETs" and "join the (((federation of light))) now, goyim"?

We are aware of concerns stated in >>259529, they are very valid and legitimate - but lacking in personal experience. You suspect that this is a clown op, and some instances of the movement have indeed been hacked by clowns (many new age teachings and channelings, particularly "all is well, never do anything to erase your inner obstacles" ones). This is why later you will have the right to vote for and against joining the Federation, and also why I ask you to read up on many sources and assess all this for yourselves without putting it all in one basket.

fc9fb9 No.259668

Why is it anytime someone suggests something different. Or has a thought that goes against the grain, it automatically labels that person a "clown" or "shill"?

What happened to open-minded conversation and thinking? Either Q is a cia larp or Q is military. No in-between on this board. You're either one or the other. And I for one, am sick of people telling me what to think and what to believe. I make my own decisions.

All seems to me like a Republican circle jerk.

c9a018 No.259669


You guys are really retarded if you think thats me.

6d7904 No.259730


Correct. DO NOT TRUST SESSIONS, DO NOT TRUST WRAY. Both shadow gov shills. Q anon speaks 99% truth and 1% lies. This is the 1% lies when he says to trust them.

bd679f No.259740


egging and egging on made by (((them))). like beating rats with an iron rod, and the rod is burning hot. aprox.

4cfb3a No.259742


If Q were MIL Intel, he would be court martialed for revealing info. So the only option is Q is C-I-A.

4cfb3a No.259744


Q anon liar, as noted here.

1c5234 No.259765

Talking False Flags… The Cabel is THRIVING…

Small ROTHSCHILD (Heli crash) thought update:

Last year 4 people were killed. They only gave away the name of a former Mossad agent and what appears to be the best flying instructor in the UK. Other 3 unknown.

Thought: are they Burning their MKULTRA agents? Are the other 3 also Mossad/CIA agents and not connected to Rothschild but the location makes it a good PSYOP.

Any rational thinking person KNOWS that if a man like Rothschild dies it would be all over the news. They are not hiding it, there is no rational common sense for this. He is not hiding, he lives in luxury estates in privacy.

Who are the other 3? Burned intelligence agents?

More likely than Rothschild himself. This is a psyop. Maybe directed by themselves!! Same for the Q ANON project, a intelligence agency Psyop operation. These agencies serve Rothschild and the elite.

They did kill a very competent military export and formed Mossad agent who was rumored the best flight instructor in the UK. Moving (killing) agents happens all the time 24/7.

Could it be Rothschild's agents staged a False Flag against by themselves?

(The greatest trick the devil pulled was convincing the people he did not exist)

The news


On the topic of Black Forest/ Real Estate sale. This was a family member of the Roths. They live in luxury in New York city and didn't travel to Austria much anymore. IT IS VERY COMMON FOR PEOPLE TO SELL PROPERTY THEY DON'T USE ANYMORE.

Rich people buy and sell properties all the time.

This is also part of the PSYOP. Nobody is on the run!

Nobody is hiding!

These people are playing with your minds and using QANON as delivery boy. Nothing really came true. Wasn't Jullian Assange supposed to be freed when the world turns on 1/1/18? He is in the embassy with worsening health.

Snowden is not on a boat….. still in Russia.

All these claims of QANON are fake. The past and present Q. They are intelligence operators of the army Psyops division. They release information but no real info (this would put them in jail). If you want change you must do it yourself and form grassroots communities. Nobody will save you.

1c5234 No.259766


CIA or MOSSAD or any number of their friends


Very good

People should consider this fact over Q psyop

d773a0 No.259817




Q is a larp operation.

The Call - Six Attempts upon The President - U.S. under martial law.


Please watch this video and give us your feed-back. Thank you.

The U.S. is in dire straights.

Find all the truth here:


/POL/ Qanon is Zionist poison - Wake up


Exposed: Wikileaks Is A Zionist Cover-Up Operation






Video great, but still does not undestand Q is a clown shill.

But the video explains how Mueller is a criminal.

Again, Trump and Q are controlled opposition, Jesuit members, part of the cabal, the fake Jews, fake Jewish nation of the Zionists.

1629da No.259830


>(((cabal))) is thriving

even though it may seem that (((they))) made us hopeless *SOMETIMES*. WE THE FREE SOVEREIGN AND DIVINE BEINGS HAVE WON THE MAYAN TRANSITION PERIOD OF 2012-2017 IS OVER. WE ARE FREE.


1629da No.259831


??? i triggered spoilers accidentally?


881c2b No.259862





881c2b No.259865


>/POL/ Qanon is Zionist poison - Wake up

Do not forget this also.

f304b1 No.259873



We cannot get info about something that they are planning right now from what Q posted earlier.

What is the plan ?? If Q is gone, it means trouble.

76f0fb No.259880

b1677e No.260905


American Intelligence Media claim to be in direct contact with the original Q. Not true:


9c108d No.261175

If Q is a LARP then don't you think President Trump would have distanced himself from it all by now?

8571a2 No.261211


Current Q is without doubt a LARP but he's drummed up useful awareness of the issues among the peasantry. If POTUS comes out and says 'this is not real' what does that do to the whole of Q? He will eventually I think when it doesn't matter any more.

fe90c7 No.261276

File: 2dc19fc0f99046c⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 2079x6802, 2079:6802, Qalways.jpg)


Q just proved today that he is not and has never been a larp or compromised. same Q now as from nov, here is how he proved it (pic related)

17a99c No.261278

File: 66d8dade9b50576⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1440x1280, 9:8, larp-af1.png)


Go back to facebook and come back when you can do basic shop detection numbnuts.

e24dd3 No.261378


e24dd3 No.261379

Pattons Green Army

:) Hi

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