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3dcd16 No.256918

It has come to my attention that my original Tripcode was hacked.

It seems someone has exploited this news of hacking to claim to be me.

The !UW.yye1fxo Tripcode is INVALID.

Do NOT believe his posts.


(Illiterate disinfo shill)

3dcd16 No.256958

Think Flames.


Two colors.


c68bdf No.257132

Not doubting, but if legit Q, contact BO & CM. Also know that some went to "the storm" so send alert there also & post in current bread, & maybe pool also. Total fubar clusterfuck ATM.

c68bdf No.257133

*POL not pool

acf232 No.257137


There needs to be some verification.

1e90c2 No.257138

if valid Q, you should be able to post 2 consecutive messages with both the UW and and hH7 tripcodes.

aee455 No.257139


I'm gonna sit here holding my breath until that happens.

This is a good idea, correct?

5e2c61 No.257141

How's that book deal coming along?

8f1050 No.257149


Try harder BaruchTheShills

(Another illiterate disinfo shill)

97db73 No.257153


if one is compromised it'll give unwanted access as soon as UW pw entered. Need POTUS proof. only trustable confirmation

c688dc No.257154


This is truth.

bdba5a No.257298


post with !UW. password

>link your original post , sorted

8ab962 No.257309


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