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File: c5761a505e2ada5⋯.jpg (412.44 KB, 1710x1075, 342:215, virginia-529.jpg)

88e86c  No.218038


88e86c  No.218178

The Fake News refuses to talk about how Big and how Strong our BASE is. They show Fake Polls just like they report Fake News. Despite only negative reporting, we are doing well - nobody is going to beat us. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

7:49 AM - 24 Dec 2017

88e86c  No.218242

Trumps Tweet

The Fake News refuses to talk about how Big and how Strong our BASE is. They show Fake Polls just like they report Fake News. Despite only negative reporting, we are doing well - nobody is going to beat us. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

7:49 AM - 24 Dec 2017

Look for Caps

# 1


Search on DuckDuckGo




Purple page that highlights different colors when you hover. Code.

Takes you to a form to get more information.

Trafficking Site.

Next BSB

88e86c  No.218259



Color coded. I think they might be breaking links already.

88e86c  No.218275



The main page is color coded.

88e86c  No.218290

They use Google, Amazon Apps and Microsoft Tools. They code by color and use forms to make contact or Apple and Android Apps to make secure contact. It's Everywhere.

Search the Caps in Trumps Recent tweets on DuckDuckGo or Bing. Look for color coding. Look for pages that have darker colors overlaying the page. Look for forms and Apps as the only way to get more information.

88e86c  No.218299

Remember Obama's HIV/AIDS video. This is the "Extravaganza Home Shopping Network"

Red Red.

066dfb  No.218324

File: 0cb682c8db0098b⋯.png (70.48 KB, 217x261, 217:261, FacebookLikes.PNG)

https:// www.facebook.com/Hottest-on-HEEels-339355966134759/

Pic related. Claims to be a record label. All this FB page has is skanky pics of women. Found it while looking into suspicious local persons of interest. Old grandpa type in a certain "fraternity" (let the reader understand; [R][O][J]" ) liked this page. Really screams HT to me.

88e86c  No.218339

File: 9557c5f315d2a69⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 703x576, 703:576, munchkins.jpg)



Ice Cream we know.

The back to back phones = OingoBoingo =

Little Girls = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2LQMElLoLs

The fuzzy ball is code for Munchkins.

The blue ball is for boys World Wide.

Purple balloons is … you get the idea.

88e86c  No.218347

It is everywhere. Everywhere. Look. Dig! Go after the information in caps in Trumps recent tweets.

88e86c  No.218375


Toys = Code.

Color code.

Oingo Boingo.

Even more to love?


88e86c  No.218409


Color code.

Chat box pops up.

Click on Smurfs = Toys

More color code.

Super heros = Code

"Explore all available offers at your address"

The pictures darken.

Asks for contact information.

Yeah. It's everywhere.

88e86c  No.218558

From Trump's Christmas Tweet:

Search with DuckDuckGo



Color Code = Look at the bottom right of first page. These icons stand out. They are coded.

Look around the site and find page with dark or color overlay pictures.


If I was shopping I would "Begin my Giving Journey"

The MC Fund

Give Online

Definitely a different website with color coding.

M Club

Join Today

Contact info form.


88e86c  No.220403



First set of caps = TFN

Search with DuckDuckGo


At the top choose the small patient link.

Choose where it hurts. Color coded.

Do you want a man, woman, kid . . .?

Make contact with the form.

Read the descriptions. Interesting.

88e86c  No.220616



And moments after I post you take down the descriptions and the contact form.

You slime. I think you're caught anyway.


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