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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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File: ae0eb09f19446b0⋯.png (105.31 KB, 769x377, 769:377, 1513748929965.png)

File: 8ca506a9d3e5a4d⋯.png (8.71 KB, 1206x123, 402:41, p10956085.png)

aad981  No.210648

>Q Anon starts posting at 4chan

>A month passes and then hiro adds unknown javascript to the site

>one of the new domains was apparently used to distribute malware in the past (?)

>Q Anon moves to 8chan after his tripcode got compromised

>hiro still hasn't commented on the new javascript

Apparently the javascript has some encrypted parts and it's main purpose is to break ad-blockers. But hiro has been caught data-mining and deleting post for a fee before at 2ch in the past.

Do you think 4chan has been compromised?

Anon is trying to investigate what the javascript is doing here: gitlab .com/N3X15/argon-dissection

7a955f  No.211089



a21417  No.211304

Yes, and it has been for many months. It's a data-mining shareblue nightmare.

Spare yourself from the pool of down syndrome and manufactured opinions that is 4pol.

7fcf9b  No.211341


I hope Abe Shinzo whoops Hiroshimoots ass and takes his shit.

65c23a  No.211408

search 4plebs tay sachs

there you go anons

0fe359  No.212391

In addition the climate has been manufactured to be the vibrant cesspool as it can be seen today.

When /pol/ started it was not unlike /cbts/ in terms of hopeful posts about curing of what ails the society at large, but due to lack of cohesion and hateful bashing of certain groups, the focus was lost and the slow descent began. The board is nearly useless today.

Despite the constant talk about shills - they run the entire show there.

This has all been enabled by hateful, negative anons that do not focus on important goals.

14112d  No.212847



This place is like Smart/pol/. I like it.

c8dc68  No.213239

File: 58bb9d82a9b2eb4⋯.jpg (17.37 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 1511440152652.jpg)

File: 87d5352d3400ab1⋯.jpg (163.44 KB, 640x502, 320:251, heshouldhavelistened.jpg)

>this thread

No search results. I have my reasons why I believe what I do about this thread, but… you don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake, right? This thread up to this point suggests to me they want to contain us away from whatever happening is happening elsewhere. Things are pretty quiet here. Also, a word of advice just in case: shills are a dynamic problem. There is no all-purpose solution - except discretion. There is a time to ignore, which is a good tactic, and these days the only feasible one sometimes as there are more and more bots, which is disturbing… Then there is the time to expose. You win that argument, not by winning the argument per se, but by responding in such a way that it will become clear to onlookers: (((they))) walk among us at all times.

f50558  No.214762


Don't forget the Nazi shit all over the place.

14112d  No.214833


That wouldnt be a problem if they didnt think it was the only option or even workable in the modern world as itself. Even if it's basically the same tenets of national socialism but called something else, they do not like it.

6fc89c  No.214935

File: 03dd10e85ceadd2⋯.jpg (67.69 KB, 1024x535, 1024:535, natsoc.jpg)



Because Hitler did nothing wrong, the holocaust did not happen but it should have and the answer to all the questions of control over society all leads back to the same conclusion - the synagogue of satan.

The only reason you can even post here is because of literal national socialists, your welcome.

d0809f  No.215004

File: 771d6e0339d632e⋯.png (504.42 KB, 600x591, 200:197, shlomo.png)


this is the real answer.

14112d  No.215076


and they did lose control for a while, that's why the 80s happened. We gotta get back to that at the very least.

dea985  No.216691

Remember when NSA was forced to give up a bunch of it's toys to BO?


Back during the election in one of the bad guy's slack channels there was talk, amateurish though it may have been of gaining access to an NSA tool called FOXACID. The goons were contemplating using it to plant CP on anon's machine such that a proper SWATTING could take down any particularly effective anon. What I think we have here is something analagous to that but with a slightly less stupid goal. To De-anonymize and locate anyone (Q,bakers,etc) who could be compromised and made to stobbit :DDD

This JS code smells EXTRA-JUDICIALLY familiar and does shit that really should )_NEVER_( be allowd in a browser. Sophisticated stuff. I fear Hiroshimoot is either complicit or dead.

dea985  No.216693

Remember when NSA was forced to give up a bunch of it's toys to BO?


Back during the election in one of the bad guy's slack channels there was talk, amateurish though it may have been of gaining access to an NSA tool called FOXACID. The goons were contemplating using it to plant CP on anon's machine such that a proper SWATTING could take down any particularly effective anon. What I think we have here is something analagous to that but with a slightly less stupid goal. To De-anonymize and locate anyone (Q,bakers,etc) who could be compromised and made to stobbit :DDD

This JS code smells EXTRA-JUDICIALLY familiar and does shit that really should )_NEVER_( be allowd in a browser. Sophisticated stuff. I fear Hiroshimoot is either complicit or dead.

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