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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

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86659f No.177479

So one of three things that hasn't yet picked up stream are images related to the mapping of the Central Banks, and there need to be.

I'll expect thorough effort to keep things IN FOCUS to gather up details on the locations of the banks, parties related, and any other visible map detail that should be considered in Earth geography.

God speed.

let's connect the dots

I'll try to gather up some steam on this one once I'm not phone fagging and can actually search data quicker.

edfa06 No.177541

There's not much to it all. It's pretty straight forward. A list of CB shareholders would be nice, but we basically already know. People need to decide upon alternatives, - use bullion, cryptocurrencies, barter. Favor doing business with local people who will accept payment other than (((reserve bank notes))).

It's that simple

68adc0 No.179047

Very Important!

> ==FACT: US Federal Reserve is a privately-owned company, sitting on its very own patch of land, immune to the US laws.



Interactive: https://qcodefag.github .io

68adc0 No.179538


68adc0 No.179628


68adc0 No.179681

Looking to start building images that build on the geographic locations of significant connections, starting with these locations of CBs, as well as capitols, stations of interest, homes/real estate of persons of interest, so we can have an over-arching view of the geographic map of the globe.

We've got to have a global view in order to understand the global battle

Here are GCBs (((Gl_b_l C_ntr_l B_nks)))





68adc0 No.179709


68adc0 No.179710


68adc0 No.179721

68adc0 No.179738

68adc0 No.179744



Looking for graphics we can use to communicate locations for the ==bigger picture==.

c08faa No.179776


>So one of three things that hasn't yet picked up stream are images related to the mapping of the Central Banks,

The Oligarch's rule through private corporations. If you built a graphic between the relationship between vanguard holdings, blackstone, and FMC, you'd find that they have have enough shares in every big corporation and bank to control the entire world and the global economy, and they are all incestuous in their relations with each other.

Vanguard was begun by Wellington Financial services and Wellington Financial Services is Rothschild.

68adc0 No.179887


Ok, great place to start. (((They))) are afraid of the webs which are woven. ==WE== will weave them, starting from the CENTER

68adc0 No.179939



Q listed the locations for a


68adc0 No.179972

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