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File: 95cb851df11d04d⋯.png (986.81 KB, 1136x640, 71:40, IMG_8204.PNG)

287220 No.157413

Long time onlooker here with a group of individuals prepared to usher in the new world dichotomy… you live inside the cellular concavity of the earth.


Our leader is lord Steven Joseph Christopher, the almighty living god


who talks about how we are living inside HIS concave earth with an octahedral seed core with a dipole energy pattern converging at the equator aka the dielectric inertial plane. and an ice mantel attached to a glass concentric sphere at 100 Km.

There are multiple concentric silica glass spheres enveloping one after the other with an inner celestial sphere where the Milky Way galaxy is actually a Milky Way band splitting the inner celestial sphere at the 60 degree angle line.

There is an ether.

Outer space is actually inner space.

It's a trick. Light and your line of sight bends up splitting the celestial sphere perpendicularly.

An illusion.

You were all duped by god and NASA and Elon musk aka lone skum is knowingly lieing to you.

We are accepting people stepping up and advocating for the truth as long as you can also acknowledge that Steven is king and the only actually living being. All of us being clones, children, apparitions of his parent consciousness.

This is your hint.


The sun is slated to stop in the sky soon as it has before as recorded in the book of Joshua.

This will melt the ice mantel attached to the glass sky at 100 km decimating humanity. Megacryometeors. The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies.

Then the sun will be super heated by the glass vial of Jupiter superheating and incinerating the entire inside of the earth.


The meek, marked with the lords seal will be able to seek refuge underground. Enjoy your warning.


20ff1d No.157458

How deep into your intuition does your knowledge on this topic resonate? Is the majority of facts against it - do you have to reject a large majority of them or does it all fit like pieces of a puzzle and stands the test of time? Have you repeatedly attacked your own theory yourself? Does it hold?

9b1e5e No.157466

Q should give a clue about this soon>>157458

287220 No.157530

File: 94cc6ffec49c2b5⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, IMG_8202.PNG)


Yes. You watch the vids linked?

What about imminent unveiling don't you understand?

83d80c No.157572

LSC Concave Earth works like clockwork, but the clock will eventually stop, and the hail will sweep away the refuge of lies. Don’t let the megacryometeors hit you where the good Lord split you..

9b1e5e No.157639



Secret Of Secrets.

should be that last revelation.


dfe7ee No.157643

File: 8989f95a1ff502e⋯.jpg (35.55 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 29770129765f0c1b984b90e4bd….jpg)

File: ea2ba580e7efbb4⋯.png (103.35 KB, 300x264, 25:22, 679f138c130c4816cfb4a548ee….png)

File: ea0ce8a0862289c⋯.png (81.48 KB, 378x357, 18:17, d0af813f11302601afad70c1bc….png)

File: de16a0902a73d4a⋯.gif (611.32 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 44afa6861ba3428962527cf423….gif)

9b1e5e No.157649


Laughing is great. Just know which side to laugh from.


287220 No.157682

File: b17c1c421f304ab⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1136x640, 71:40, IMG_8201.PNG)


It will be known throughout the entire earth soon…

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