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File: 5fee7e0a312ec07⋯.png (337.84 KB, 768x768, 1:1, Uranium_One_Deal.png)

0b5844 No.147083

2014 In Jan, Obama begins paying Iran $700M per month through July 2015

2015 in July Joint Plan of Action announced to freeze Iran's nuclear development

2016 January Obama paid $400M in foreign currency to Iran on the day the hostages were released. The US released seven prisoners and dropped charges against 14 other men in exchange for the release of 5 American prisoners, then paid an additional $1.3B two days later for a total of $1.7B. Obama claimed it was interest on a $400M bad debt. Coincidentally, the UK had a similar debt of 400M pounds from the same time period (or was it the same debt?). It is unclear whether the $1.7B was part of the $700M/month or if it was separate. The $400M was delivered from Swiss and Dutch banks. In 2014 Obama traded 5 Taliban soldiers for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.






Also the Clinton administration gave Iran the push it needed towards nuclear weapons in the first place.


George W. Bush's administration signed off on it and even covered it up. In 2010, an ex-Clown talked to a journalist about it.


0b5844 No.147121

In 2012 RSB Logistics receives an license amendment to export uranium to Canada from Uranium One site.


According to the Wise Uranium Project, the conversion facility in Canada is Port Hope, Ontario. Clicking on the link for Port Hope takes us to the Camesco website.


Comesco operations include processing and mining. One of their mining operations is called Rabbit Lake.


On 11/08/17 Q told us to follow the glowing rabbit. How hard would it be for US uranium to go in one door for processing and come out the other door for shipping to foreign countries as having originated from the mine?

0b5844 No.147131

A guy on Twitter has made several threads about the U1 happenings. They go pretty deep into what happened, who was paid off and how Russia benefited from it. It ties in heavily to the Khazakstan mines, rather than the single mine in the US that was also owned by U1.

Here is the thread reader version.


0b5844 No.147140

Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for records on Trump and his family, however a quick search of Deutsche Bank + Uranium turns up articles from a few years ago on their involvement, along with Goldman Sachs, in Uranium trading… Goldman Sachs ties to Iran and Uranium back in the late 70s, Deutsche Bank AND Goldman Sachs paid Bill Clinton for speaking engagements and paid money to the Clinton Foundation!!!






0b5844 No.147151

0b5844 No.147216

All these Uranium 1 deals just talk about the actual processed uranium. What about where it comes from? There is some suggestion that the Bundy fiasco was related to getting them off the land so there would be access to the uranium and gold there. Here's another interesting bit I just ran across. What is odd is that 3 people suicided (or were suicided) in this case. https://www.deseretnews.com/article/865673297/Suit-over-artifact-looting-case-suicide-rejected-on-appeal.html

"Redd, who maintained his innocence, was charged with one felony count of theft of Indian tribal property — an effigy bird pendant valued at $1,000. He and his wife were among 24 people indicted after a two-year federal investigation that relied on a well-connected artifacts dealer-turned-undercover-operative."

Redd killed himself a day after the raid. Another suspect and the informant who helped government officials also killed themselves.



"Sheriff's investigators have determined that the individual took his own life by two self-inflicted gunshot wounds," Hickey said.


This particular case draws peculiar attention now, since Trump just went to Utah last week in person to re-instate local jurisdiction of the Bear Ears Park area by the people of Utah.

0b5844 No.147245

Let's say U1 deal is just the first part of the story. I don't know why the fuck you would ship Uranium if it's common, but whatever. They obviously did it.

Let's then assume that Donald Trump was asked to run for POTUS by someone who knew the score, and commanded the NSA to interfere with election fraud attempts. The Wizards & Warlocks ensures these attempts are thwarted like the bosses they are. POTUS runs a great campaign and unable to rig the election they lose, they're stunned, they know the war is on. Contingency plans are laid into place and shit hits the fan bigly.

Look at how many much progress NK has made in 2016 and 2017 alone. They're clearly being helped, the NSA clearly knows, and the Wizards and Warlocks clearly owned the fuck out of it. These 'failed tests', I'm wagering, were actually 'thwarted attacks'.


And the literal reason the media won't follow it is because of the glow in the dark administrations we've had. We have pictures of Clinton and Podesta in North Korea, who's group was mentioned in the pizza.jpg email. They won't cover it because NK is a total lie they've been telling since Bush Sr, and they fuckin' know it. Following U1 to it's logical conclusion leads the public to a lot of impossible to spin questions, such as, what is pizza, why are they doing it in North Korea, isn't North Korea a crazy land where the leader is their 'God'? The entire narrative falls apart, everything falls apart because of U1. U1, Pizza, NK, and the CIA and their puppets are all connected and U1 is the string that unravels it all. U1 is the proof, their rate of advancements and utter failures are proof they're being helped and furthermore PROOF someone is fucking them over. How are they gaining so much tech with all these failures?

bebae9 No.147379

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