5th pic (save as instead of print screen_BIG MISTAKE_next step) – You’ll see here I’ve highlighted the file name. I don’t recall this from the other night. However, I do recall the file being called “nu.htm” ‘cause I found that a strange name for an image. Remember, I’m not the most technically minded!
My laptop’s fan started up -> my heart dropped slightly -> I deleted the file from my desktop -> I screenshot the image of the symbol, cropped the image, attempted to post the image to a /cbts/ General thread -> while waiting, I attempted to “Empty Recycle Bin” of that “nu.htm” file – BOOM! My laptop crashed and was out of service for about 5 hours. I managed to capture and post the image using my mobile – see >>99414
N.B. I can’t help but wonder whether authorities would be tracking where these images are being saved to, and thus watching what the images are being used for. We’re talking paedophilia, we’re talking serious shit that authorities are supposed to be cracking down on – though where I live, authorities leave a lot to be desired! I wonder, has this been part of or the main cause of /cbts/ having problems/being compromised the other night.
So, I’ve spent the better part of the past 2 days scanning and cleaning the fuck outta my laptop :/
I have not, however, gotten that bee out of my bonnet about the “graphic” seen on the paper on Anderson Cooper’s coffee table. I believe what’s perceived as “GANNETT” on that paper is actually just a “CODE77” code77.com advert. The paper looks as though it’s a print off of a webpage. I believe that webpage is a pedo website – the logo of which being at the top-right corner. The webpage has “CODE77” advertised across the top-centre = banner ad, and in a box below the website’s logo. I don’t know of any newspaper that positions its logos like so. I worked in media intelligence for 8.5 years – capturing, storing, analysing and translating international adverts for media intelligence. I covered press, junk mail, TV, radio and internet ads. Fucking nightmare job – never do it – I mute and even walk away from the TV whenever the adbreaks strike – it’s ALL fucking mind control!
N.B. I’m not trying to discredit the “GANNETT” investigation. I believe that will be important, also.
So, back to the logo on what I perceive to be a webpage. Some clever anon autists have managed to expand their zooming here >>93242 and here >>93181. “FFS!”, I thought, “Where tf have I seen that?”. I’ve been digging into this sick Satanic paedo shit for quite some time, now. One’s pineal gland prevailed! PIE popped into my mind. PIE being Paedophile Information Exchange…
- The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984.[2] It was described by the BBC in 2007 as "an international organisation of people who trade obscene material".[3]
No logos on that page, however on g00gl images there is. Hence, 6th pic, which I’d posted here >>105401
PIE disbanded, so I had a look at the “See also” list on that Wikipedia page. I clicked on ‘em all. I looked at North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Man/Boy_Love_Association
- In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6]
So, I clicked on “IPCE”, which lead to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pedophile_and_pederast_advocacy_organizations#International where the following is said:
- Ipce (formerly International Pedophile and Child Emancipation, changed its name in 1998 to disassociate with the full name). Founded in the early 1990s; in 2005, it had 79 members in 20 countries.[1][2][3] The organization has websites available in English,[4] French,[5] German,[6] and Spanish.[7]
It appears IPCE is still up and running. Nothing comes up when I search for their logo/symbol – no matter the word combinations I’ve tried. The website is https://www.ipce.info/ and it appears you’d have to become a member to gain access to anything current, including their logo I assume. Am I shit following that investigation any further!
If there’s any anon/s out there able to continue the investigation, SAFELY, please do. My heart’s already almost fallen out of my arsehole too many times in the past few days, for my liking.