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/cbts/ - Calm Before The Storm

A Q and happenings board
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92fccc  No.108027


Board Owner came to our discord and had words with pamphlet anon and some others to reassure us that CBTS is in good hands.

talk is good and fine but we set a higher standard on this board.


essentially BO is trying to memory hole this post.In it he claimed that he had blocked all trips except Q who he claimed was white listed before it was possible on 8ch to do so.

I am very aware of the hate I am going to receive but I think Its quite worth it BO needed to be called out and held to account for his actions.

read this debate

form your own opinions

This is why we felt it was necessary to create /thestorm/ as a new bunker and backup for all the content on the board.

I don't want to cause division but this is cause for genuine concern and everyone deserves to see how he responded to tough questions.

92fccc  No.108029

Breadbox - Today at 1:33 AM

hey guys did you see that a post was deleted on CBTS



/cbts/ - CBTS General #121 - If He Doesn't Crumb We Will Bake Edition

archived 16 Dec 2017 09:07:04 UTC


an anon replied to this post or I would have never caught it.

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:34 AM

I can check the board log

Breadbox - Today at 1:35 AM

please do and provide the logs

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:35 AM


system hidden 3 minutes /cbts/ User deleted his own post #107005

system hidden 34 minutes /cbts/ User deleted his own post #106949

system hidden 1 hour /cbts/ User deleted his own post #106830

quite common

this is why I know PA could not have deleted #108 btw - it would have shown up in the logs

Breadbox - Today at 1:39 AM


sorry man I just dont trust you

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:40 AM

very sensible

hang on

Breadbox - Today at 1:40 AM

why did you lie about making Q whitelisted btw?

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:41 AM

I didn't - he is

Breadbox - Today at 1:44 AM

you said you whitelisted him before that was possible on 8ch

you said you whitelisted him on 2 separate occasions from my reccolection

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:45 AM


I had a voice chat with PA and a few of the other bakers earlier

where I explained what happened

we're cool

PA even baked for me today - was too busy

Breadbox - Today at 1:54 AM

I have a real moral conundrum on my hand here anon

you broke the cardinal rule

no censorship

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:54 AM

I broke a few actually

Breadbox - Today at 1:54 AM

I am very aware

I am not one of your fans

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:55 AM

that was the point

Breadbox - Today at 1:55 AM

what do you mean?

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:56 AM

I had to throw everyone under the bus to get Q to change his trip

Breadbox - Today at 1:56 AM

no you didnt

hes an intel asset you dont think he could ahve worked it out?

mav[LAG] - Today at 1:57 AM

ah the wisdom of hindsight

three board slides, a deleted thread, baker fights, USSS nigger posting trips close to Q's, Q on cuckchan saying trip insecure, my connection DoSed

nobody following orders

good advice from one mil guy on Tor, glowing advice from another

-> force anonymous

-> force anonymous

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:00 AM

because Q can still post with his trip right?

wrong - glowing advice

Breadbox - Today at 2:01 AM

thats the thing there dude

you shouldt filter trips at all

let the anons rage

92fccc  No.108035

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:03 AM

no - Q had to change his trip

4chan post mentioned serious hardware

only way to force him

result: 8chan admins customized code for us, Q has changed his trip

Breadbox - Today at 2:05 AM

I disagree

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:05 AM

my stupid idea eventually worked out well

Breadbox - Today at 2:05 AM

It did not it created divisions and sparked an CBTS civil war

be accountable for yourself man

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:06 AM

it was there already

Breadbox - Today at 2:06 AM

there is always an underlying sense of anger and rage in every thread.

its called the internet hate maching ffs


mav[LAG] - Today at 2:07 AM

I know

but 50% of anons hate namefags

Breadbox - Today at 2:07 AM

it doesnt matter

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:07 AM

and another 50% hate tripfags

Breadbox - Today at 2:07 AM

we need to be able to verify ID

there have been other posters that needed to be verified

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:08 AM

I completely agree with you


Breadbox - Today at 2:08 AM

we had people impersonating discord members and coudl only verify with tripcodes

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:08 AM

but again, this was nothing to do with namefag versus tripfag - it was to get Q to change his trip

Breadbox - Today at 2:08 AM

then remove the filter

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:09 AM

I'll be adding some bakers trips to it

Breadbox - Today at 2:09 AM

that is not acceptable

remove the filter

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:10 AM

not going to happen

Breadbox - Today at 2:10 AM

then I cannot be your ally

you belive in censorship where you are the dictator

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:10 AM


Breadbox - Today at 2:11 AM

you are unamerican

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:11 AM

we got work to do

Breadbox - Today at 2:11 AM

and lack the scruples to promote the ideals of freedom

you sir are a fraud

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:11 AM

think what you like

Breadbox - Today at 2:11 AM

I will

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:12 AM

bakers need trips, Q needs trips - that's about it

Breadbox - Today at 2:12 AM

its against everything the chans stand for anon

what about MIanon

what about WHanon

if they need trips what then

what about other assets?>

this is bad for freedom and bad for the board

its bad for cbts

92fccc  No.108038

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:13 AM

you see there is a dilemma here

Breadbox - Today at 2:13 AM

no there isnt

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:13 AM

chans are about anonymity

and freedom of expression

Breadbox - Today at 2:13 AM

the chans are about the ability to chose

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:14 AM

but long investigation threads need continuity

Breadbox - Today at 2:14 AM

freedom of expression includes the ability to change your name from anon

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:14 AM

poisoned breads, derails, splits - I've seen it all in CFG, PG, Traffick

Breadbox - Today at 2:14 AM

that is irrelevant

we have all been here

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:14 AM

so trips for bakers is good but namefagging/tripfagging is bad

Breadbox - Today at 2:14 AM

no its not

let the people choose to do what they want

if they want to filter they can on thier own

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:15 AM

that's another problem - a group is its own worst enemy

we got to 100 000 comments before we collapsed with infighting

quite impressive

smackabitch - Today at 2:15 AM


Interesting article about McKinsey &co being involved in staged shootings and some other shit

American Everyman


McKinsey & Co, Inc.: The Globalist Management Consulting Firm Behind the Malala For-Profit Charter School Psyop

by Scott Creighton Exactly one year ago today on Oct. 14 2012, 5 days after the Malala psyop was staged, I wrote The Staged Malala Yousafzai Story: The Face of the “Universal” For-Profit School Mov…

Breadbox - Today at 2:15 AM

so you are going to save us from ourselves gtfo of here you communist

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:16 AM


Breadbox - Today at 2:16 AM

we collapsed from infiting because you caved to a shill tactic

92fccc  No.108042

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:16 AM

I'm here to provide some sort of space and structure for people to work


it's not about who you are, it's about what you can find out

Breadbox - Today at 2:16 AM

you are creading a restrictive space and structure to work in

it is about who you are sometimes

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:17 AM

not on the chans

Breadbox - Today at 2:17 AM

leafbread proved that and so did Q

you are objectivly wrong

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:18 AM

leafbread is an excellent baker

so what?

Breadbox - Today at 2:19 AM

and you would never know without a trip

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:19 AM

that's right

because it's not about him

Breadbox - Today at 2:19 AM

and he used his trip to save cbts from 4chan

no its not but its a tool that we need

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:19 AM

I'm very grateful

Breadbox - Today at 2:19 AM

and I mean every single user

it doesnt matter if you are or not its a fact

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:20 AM

I created /cbts/ a week before the move because I could see what was coming

Breadbox - Today at 2:20 AM

that is also irrelevant to the conversation

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:20 AM

and I enabled trips and names because I knew that they were important

Breadbox - Today at 2:20 AM

you act like the king of cbts

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:20 AM

you had it right the first time - a dictator

because there has to be one

Breadbox - Today at 2:21 AM

no there does not

you are the enemy of freedom

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:21 AM

not at all

Breadbox - Today at 2:21 AM

your actions show your true colors

you cannot be trusted

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:22 AM

if Q posts on /thestorm/ I'll be there like a shot

if he posts on /cbts/ then trips will be whitelisted again

/thestorm/ is welcome to use any and every resource on /cbts/ any time

Breadbox - Today at 2:22 AM

like you could keep it from us

92fccc  No.108044

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:23 AM

why would I want to?

this has nothing to do with us

nothing at all

Breadbox - Today at 2:23 AM

I dont know what your motivations are but im conviced that you aent one of us

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:23 AM

it's the greatest most significant intelligence drop in history

at the end of it, no-one will ever know who we were

no-one will care

all that will be left will be some backups


Breadbox - Today at 2:24 AM

and the record of what you did

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:24 AM


history will be kind to me

couple of cockups

but hey

some glowing niggers were getting close

Breadbox - Today at 2:25 AM

yeah they own the board

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:25 AM

no, you're mistaking hatred of namefagging with the Clowns

two different things

Breadbox - Today at 2:26 AM

they used the hatred to start the same campaing that drove us from 4chan and you either fell for it or asisted with it

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:26 AM

that's a serious accusation bro

Breadbox - Today at 2:26 AM

glad you are finally paying attention

Im calling you out for the snake I think you are

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:27 AM

you're mistaken

Breadbox - Today at 2:27 AM

that opinion has been noted

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:27 AM

I haven't put in all these hours on the board

Breadbox - Today at 2:27 AM

my convictions are strong

ive been called a moralfag in the threads for good reson

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:28 AM


Breadbox - Today at 2:28 AM

to make it a honeypot?

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:28 AM


92fccc  No.108045

sorry that really is funny

Breadbox - Today at 2:28 AM

its just as likely as your "milsource"stroy

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:28 AM

two milsources

one good, one bad

ah well, trust no-one and all that

Breadbox - Today at 2:29 AM

you caved and took away Qs ability to verify himself those are the facts that we can prove

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:29 AM

and what happened? Q has a new trip

thank fuck

and if he comes across to /thestorm/ I'll be in there as an anon, digging away

mission accomplished

Breadbox - Today at 2:30 AM

why does that matter?

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:30 AM

why does what matter?

Breadbox - Today at 2:30 AM

I dont care if he comes to the storm

I care that we have a place thats not under your control

you have shown yourself to make sweeping changes with no notice and little consideration

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:31 AM

yeah, I'm helping your owner out with board settings

andreas - Today at 2:31 AM

guys, #off-topic please.

Breadbox - Today at 2:31 AM

you are a child playing at administator



everyone should see this

and it is relevant to cbts

andreas - Today at 2:31 AM


ignore me then nvm

Breadbox - Today at 2:31 AM

no one is willing to ask these wuestions but me

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:31 AM

and I'll be making a couple of the guys mods on /cbts/

they asked me all of them on voice chat

I answered

Breadbox - Today at 2:31 AM

>more points of failure


I lost respect for pamphlet anon for not releasing the audio of that

everything you do is suspect now

it must be analyzed

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:32 AM

but your opinion is worthless

Breadbox - Today at 2:32 AM

everything must be verified

we cannot take you at your word

this is not a game anon

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:33 AM

indeed not

I wasn't playing games

Breadbox - Today at 2:33 AM

I dont think you were

but I question your motives

and suspect ill intent

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:34 AM

because dun dun DAH - I'm really a Clown! muahahhahahhahaq


Breadbox - Today at 2:34 AM


and only fools resort to insults of that nature

you are losing the debate so you are attacking me personally

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:35 AM

the REAL reason you're so upset is because you want your name up on that sweet bread, isn't it?

whereas I don't care

92fccc  No.108047

Breadbox - Today at 2:35 AM

no anon

I baked because it was needed

I was asked

by pamhlet anon

I had no idea what I was doing but I did it

because its what I could do to contribute

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:36 AM

no shit you had no idea what you were doing

I had a fucking revolt by half the board

didn't you notice ???



enough of this

Breadbox - Today at 2:36 AM

you act like it didnt settle

you can leave if you want the door is over there

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:37 AM

you haven't read a word I've typed

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:38 AM

dude I understand entirely

Breadbox - Today at 2:38 AM

you are being intelectualy dishonest

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:38 AM

I got my head ripped off on cuckchan

for a bad bake

Breadbox - Today at 2:38 AM

that is irrelevant

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:38 AM

but there are hundreds of anons who did not understand

then a PA thread get deleted - I mean wtf?

Breadbox - Today at 2:38 AM

that is irrelevant they were brought up to speed over time like the normies

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:39 AM

then my connections gets slowed to a crawl

and my backup server got DOSed

and some 'muslim' nigger starts posting trips close to Q's trip

uh oh

then we had /pol/ coming in

this all happened within the same hour

Breadbox - Today at 2:40 AM

I am aware I was there anon

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:40 AM

then ShariaBlue (not sure)

Breadbox - Today at 2:40 AM

they used the same tactic before

I have see it all

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:40 AM

yeah, but how to deal with this all at once?

Breadbox - Today at 2:40 AM

let it pass like the rest of the attacks

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:40 AM

yes, I'm sure you run boards everywhere

attacks are fine

Q's trip was not

Breadbox - Today at 2:41 AM

they ae looking for us to respond and defeat ourselves

you took the bait anon

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:41 AM


had to make a major judgement call

92fccc  No.108049

Breadbox - Today at 2:41 AM

stop making excuses then

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:41 AM

are you like 14?

Breadbox - Today at 2:42 AM

you fucked up and now you are compromised the only way foreward for you is maximum transparency and freedom of speech

you are showing your lack of prowess by attacking me personally with unrelated and feeble insults

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:42 AM

you want your name so badly don't you?

Breadbox - Today at 2:43 AM

it doesnt matter every anon should be able to use a trip

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:43 AM

not a bad idea - not just yet though

Breadbox - Today at 2:43 AM

how many have you banned anon

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:43 AM

I've lost count

half my day is deleting porn and banning clowns

very glamorous

Breadbox - Today at 2:44 AM

im sure

I dont belive you for a second

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:44 AM

I don't really care

Breadbox - Today at 2:44 AM

then leave and stop debating me if you dont care

but the fact here is that you cannot defend your actions with proof

and instead of being honest and accountable you are hurling insults

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:45 AM

dunno what proof you're looking for

Breadbox - Today at 2:45 AM


everything without dox of course

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:46 AM


Breadbox - Today at 2:46 AM

I dont belive in doxing anyone

all of your records

the full log


mav[LAG] - Today at 2:46 AM

fuck off

not going to happen

Breadbox - Today at 2:46 AM

you asked

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:46 AM

I am digging today

Breadbox - Today at 2:46 AM

why are you so rude>?

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:46 AM

because I don't just have to deal with you

I have to deal with THOUSANDS of anons like you

who all think they know how to run a board

Breadbox - Today at 2:47 AM

you dont think it will reflect badly on oyu?

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:47 AM


I am nobody

just some guy in the service of POTUS and Q

that's it

Breadbox - Today at 2:47 AM

you are in the service of yourself

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:47 AM

no need for a name or a trip

if I was in the service of myself, I would delete the board right now and no-one could do anything about it

Breadbox - Today at 2:48 AM

you named yourself with an email and sign your posts too dont be dishonest like that

oh im sure you would get rid of your social engineering control of cbts

so sure

honestly anon I want to like you

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:49 AM

Q's trip is chaned

changed even

if he posts again, great

92fccc  No.108053

Breadbox - Today at 2:49 AM

but I cant shake this feeling

its in my gut

and has been ever since you did what you did

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:50 AM


Breadbox - Today at 2:50 AM

its not about me being able to use a trip

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:50 AM

I knew there were going to be people like that

Breadbox - Today at 2:50 AM

I am the most hated of all the baker

all of them

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:50 AM

fucking sucks

Breadbox - Today at 2:50 AM

and I know it

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:50 AM

I couldn't even tell the other mods

Breadbox - Today at 2:51 AM

when we formed the new board there was one question in mind

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:51 AM

it was a really really risky move that paid off

Breadbox - Today at 2:51 AM

how to we keep it form being tainted

mav[LAG] - Today at 2:51 AM

you can't

we're all human

Breadbox - Today at 2:51 AM

1 owner no mods no restrictions and no bans or filters

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 2:51 AM

Hey guys

Breadbox - Today at 2:51 AM


mav[LAG] - Today at 2:51 AM

hey PA

Breadbox - Today at 2:59 AM

the rules should not be

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 2:59 AM

Will cat h up later

Breadbox - Today at 2:59 AM


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:00 AM

Glad you two are at least talking thoug

e97292  No.108055

Kill yourself you stupid niggers.

Nobody's going to thestorm you famefag pieces of shit.

92fccc  No.108057

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:00 AM

/pol/, 4chan refugees, soccer moms, newfags, tripfags, oldfags

the 8chan purists want it all to be pure

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:00 AM

Going to be reading every part of this later


mav[LAG] - Today at 3:00 AM

l8r man

Breadbox - Today at 3:00 AM


as an aside

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:00 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:01 AM

I sometimes feel that if we did not have my voice railing against this we would become another echo chamber

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:01 AM

that's why we keep a nigger like you around

Breadbox - Today at 3:01 AM

thx man

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:01 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:01 AM

its sometimes hard

very hard

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:02 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:02 AM

I feel like a uhge asshole

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:02 AM

don't bro.

Breadbox - Today at 3:02 AM

but its important to question everything

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:02 AM

you're good

And I'm sure mag understands as well

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:02 AM

good attitude to have

the ONLY attitude to have

92fccc  No.108059

Breadbox - Today at 3:02 AM

I live in an area where I cant show my support for potus anon

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:02 AM

that's why we're all here

Breadbox - Today at 3:02 AM

I would be assaulted

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:03 AM

fuck I'm sorry man

Breadbox - Today at 3:03 AM

I crave freedom of speech

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:03 AM

that sucks

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:03 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:03 AM

I value it above verything

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:03 AM

I believe you

Breadbox - Today at 3:04 AM

I really dont have anything more to say to be honest I made my case

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:04 AM

but what you're doing is moving the cause forward

I don't mind if you don't trust me

Breadbox - Today at 3:04 AM

and I thing the other anons will draw their own conclusions

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:04 AM

I don't mind if you disagree with what I did

Breadbox - Today at 3:04 AM

whatever those may be

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:04 AM

I had to make a snap judgement call in the middle of seven or eight major attacks

it was a bad one that worked out well in the end


but there were casualties

the board was one of them

Breadbox - Today at 3:05 AM

I dont think so anon I think you got very lucky and took credit for Qs work

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:05 AM

….fuck you turbonogs I can't fall back asleep

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:05 AM

well, no

Breadbox - Today at 3:05 AM

you made a fatal mistake and got very lucky

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:05 AM

I'm fucking up for the morning

Breadbox - Today at 3:05 AM


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:05 AM

I need coffee


mav[LAG] - Today at 3:06 AM

so do I

hate waking up at like 2am and can't sleep again

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:06 AM

You just get up or something too

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:06 AM

recently yes

hour ago or so

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:06 AM

good. Get some sleep in I hope?

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:06 AM

yes thanks

Breadbox - Today at 3:07 AM

this may be important


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:07 AM

Good. Going to be reading through this later bb

You know we love the way your mind works

Except for the perv shit

e97292  No.108060


Kill yourself you stupid niggers.

Nobody's going to thestorm you famefag pieces of shit.

92fccc  No.108062

Breadbox - Today at 3:07 AM

what man

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:07 AM

That shits fucking gross(edited)

Breadbox - Today at 3:07 AM

it was funny

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:07 AM

yeah that will be another shoe to drop soon

Breadbox - Today at 3:08 AM

we all laughed

it was a great time

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:08 AM

human/hybrid experimentation and stuff

Breadbox - Today at 3:08 AM


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:08 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:08 AM

look at the link

human pig hybrind bodies some anon found

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:08 AM


mav[LAG] - Today at 3:08 AM

it happens a LOT and NK is a giant playground for it

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:08 AM


I miss things

Fuck sleep imo

Breadbox - Today at 3:09 AM

@mav[LAG] I want youre opinion. did we make a mistake by going on that interview?

fml I cant even english rn

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:10 AM

Initially I thought yes

but I had had 49 hours without sleep and was still panicking about everything

now I think not

we should do it again and include me

Breadbox - Today at 3:11 AM

I was worried about it being cringy

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:11 AM

I'll be happy to answer questions

naah - it was fine

Breadbox - Today at 3:12 AM

I wanted to get the info out to the normies and it seemed like the best way to combat the disinfo ecelebs

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:12 AM

remember the info hierarchy: chans -> tubers/blogs -> msm -> faceberg

when two layers communicate, it always sounds cringey

Breadbox - Today at 3:12 AM

they are too attatched to the silly conspiracys they try to attatch to Q

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:13 AM

besides, from your point of view, everthing you said was 100%. The board WAS compromised. And Q said so

it was just compromised by me - sigh

we will have to explain to him one day face to face

Breadbox - Today at 3:13 AM

I dont think we will get that opportunity

he is rather high up

92fccc  No.108065

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:14 AM

Ugh fuck

That picture

Breadbox - Today at 3:14 AM

what pa


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:14 AM

Those" babies"

Breadbox - Today at 3:14 AM

that is not the worst thing that was posted last night

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:14 AM


mav[LAG] - Today at 3:14 AM

do you know why HR Giger was suicided? He came close to discovering this hybrid shit

Breadbox - Today at 3:14 AM

>woman inserts 3 lbs of gummy worms into her asshole

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:14 AM

Okay niggers

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:14 AM

he did NOT fall off his ladder at home

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:15 AM

Voice chat and update me?

Breadbox - Today at 3:15 AM

do you have a source for that info?


come on

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:15 AM

guys I have to run

Breadbox - Today at 3:15 AM


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:15 AM


mav[LAG] - Today at 3:15 AM

voice chat later?

Breadbox - Today at 3:15 AM

be safe anon

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:15 AM

thanks you too


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:16 AM

Re: interview stuff…interesting thoughts

Breadbox - Today at 3:16 AM

just because I dont trust you doenst mean I dont cae

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:16 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:16 AM

I have a big heart

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:16 AM

Yes VC later

Round when wouldyou say?


e97292  No.108067


Kill yourself you stupid niggers.

Nobody's going to thestorm you famefag pieces of shit.

92fccc  No.108068

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:16 AM

you tell me and I'll make sure I'm here

Breadbox - Today at 3:16 AM

I have today and tomorrow off

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:16 AM

same here

Breadbox - Today at 3:17 AM

we will cross paths again

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:17 AM

just gotta get a new headset

Breadbox - Today at 3:17 AM

for what its worht your debate is pretty good

I throughly engjoyed myself

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:17 AM

haha - thanks

Breadbox - Today at 3:17 AM


mav[LAG] - Today at 3:17 AM

ignore the insults plz

Breadbox - Today at 3:17 AM

I was honest

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:17 AM

I'm leaving the house soon but will be back on after an hour

Breadbox - Today at 3:17 AM

you undermine yourself when you make baseless or demeaning attacks

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:17 AM

chan speak spills over into real life

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:17 AM

so whenever after that bo

Breadbox - Today at 3:18 AM

keep it in mind for other occasions

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:18 AM

when you tell you daughter to do the dishes you stupid fag

Breadbox - Today at 3:18 AM


mav[LAG] - Today at 3:18 AM

then you need to pull back a bit

Breadbox - Today at 3:18 AM

you heard me talk man

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:18 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:18 AM

I kept it clean out of respect for you and the anons here

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:18 AM

literal kek

Also going to tell my daughter to do that

Breadbox - Today at 3:19 AM

I wnat that to be made very clear

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:19 AM

She's 4 she'll totally get it

Breadbox - Today at 3:19 AM


e97292  No.108070


Kill yourself you stupid niggers.

Nobody's going to thestorm you famefag pieces of shit.

92fccc  No.108071

mav[LAG] - Today at 3:19 AM


Breadbox - Today at 3:19 AM

pa get in here


Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:19 AM



meant to do mine

Breadbox - Today at 3:19 AM


wtf bro lol

youre like a cop thats on duty drunk

Baker/PamphletAnon - Today at 3:20 AM

My phone isn't meant for treetrunk fingers(edited)

Breadbox - Today at 3:20 AM

mine either

alright lest take this to off topic

the debate is over

e97292  No.108073


Kill yourself you stupid niggers.

Nobody's going to thestorm you famefag pieces of shit.

e97292  No.108079


e97292  No.108080


e97292  No.108081


e97292  No.108084


92fccc  No.108097

e97292  No.108103

You niggers have never been shilled by CIA. They're not even operational right now you dumb niggers. If you had brains and read Q posts you would know that.

You're over the target like I'm over your mouth shitting on your shekels.

e97292  No.108112

It's 8/pol/ that hates you stupid niggers.

I can see why you think we're CIA.

We are the product of their mindgames.

We are better than you stupid nigger.

We will crush you stupid nigger.

We are the slow burn autists.

We are always here.

We cannot leave.

You are here with us.

And we will just eat you.

0234b9  No.108158

God damn BO. Indulging these famefaggots on discord. Kill yourself immediately, it's the only way.

0234b9  No.108170

There has never been any CIA here you nigger imbeciles. You're an embarrassment to the human race. Leading the newfags on with cries of shills to try and maintain control. You sadden me.

e97292  No.108171

File: 1aa7d1c13135335⋯.png (466.39 KB, 825x523, 825:523, xsJuokb.png)

In case anybody needs help.

2cb923  No.108278

Every day this place gets stupider.

/pol/ was right to kick you all out.

Go back to twitter and stay there if you can't adapt to the chans.

f4a991  No.108286

OP i see what your issue is here, and I'm going to help you. You need to take the number of cocks you suck in a day and cut it in half. Just suck half as many cocks as you usually would in a day and you will see your life improve.

92fccc  No.108287


2004 nigger

I remeber the meme with the black dude in the leather fly gimp suite that had a giant horsecock.

e97292  No.108289


>He was on /pol/ in 2004.

Oh please just fellate a shotgun now.

e97292  No.108290

You will never be me.

e97292  No.108291

You can never be this damaged and this good.

92fccc  No.108293


4chan you tard before pol was a thing

f4a991  No.108333


the more cum you swallow the harder it is to take you seriously.

e97292  No.108364


Sure you were dude. The fact you're arguing with me essentially proves you're a newfag. You don't have the stench of disrepair that someone who's been on the chans that long ought to have.

The ye oldfag trick only works if you can fill the shoes of an oldfag nigger.

92fccc  No.108387


nothing will ever be good enough for some and i'm willing to accept that

e97292  No.108402


Good then make some memes you stupid nigger and prove you're not completely worthless.

92fccc  No.108404


we are over the target anons. a thread about countering Rothschild magic keeps getting deleted from what this anon says

92fccc  No.108406


sometimes I make good ones but I'm in my element in debate

Politics is my sport

e97292  No.108407


I wish there was a thread about Rothschild magic in thestorm.

e97292  No.108411


>Politics is my sport.

Great, some of us actually fight the meme war.

You should feel bad.

92fccc  No.108500


bake it

92fccc  No.108504


I do. I didnt want to do what I did we felt there was no other option and proceeded with the maximum level of transparency

e97292  No.108530



yet here you are still trying to split the community like the power hungry bitch you are.

92fccc  No.108540


except I have no control over the board. im not even a mod

e97292  No.108548


So stop shilling for them you stupid nigger, how hard is that. Go make memes like we're supposed to.

92fccc  No.108601


you act like having redundant backups is a bad thing to even work on

e97292  No.108619


>work on

You aren't accomplishing anything, no OC, no memes. Nothing. You babies can't even dig.

Go to thestorm and make some imgflip.com pictures.

92fccc  No.108680


I put 2 hours into asking board owner tough questions.

dont tell me i'm not doing my part. shill

e97292  No.108689


>I put 2 hours into not bettering the meme arsenal out of a sense of self importance.

>Everybody who is critical of me is a shill.

>I don't know how to do anything other than concern troll.

>I don't even know what a concern troll is.

92fccc  No.108729


you might have a case if I didn't present evidence. look at the evidence. he lied openly multiple times and called himself your dictator

e97292  No.108743


Because you faggots think you need to change a good thing, there's no censorship here dipship.

e97292  No.108753

You dont even deserve to be heard.

You make no memes.

No digging.

Just a whiny little bitch.

Q asked you to make memes and you couldn't even manage that.

Who's the failure here?

Is it the BO?

Or is it you who cant follow simple guidelines by the person we're all here for?

92fccc  No.108766


then try using a trip

e97292  No.108767


You're an idiot. Codemonkey literally added a feature to allow only Q's trips.

You are fucking stupid.

e97292  No.108768

Sorry you can't tripfag like the cancer you are nigger.

92fccc  No.108769


that's basically a troll tactic sir don't try to silence anons

92fccc  No.108771


this was after Q was prevented from posting. look at the OP of bread 113 before the Q post

e97292  No.108782


No shit dickbag, and then Q posted to /pol/. Then they said they were going dark for 10, conveniently around the same time DJT and his ENTIRE FAMILY went to Camp David which is 6 FUCKING MILES from a DUMB which is where the President and his family, and likely Q will be without outside access for the 10 days talked about.

Don't sir me nigger.

e97292  No.108787

You seriously disgust me.

If you used half your brain to think critically you wouldn't be so fucking lost.

92fccc  No.108798


text is bad for tone mad I meant no disrespect my point with all of this is that board owner lied to us about the censorship over and over again. he is not to be trusted or relied upon in my opinion

e97292  No.108806


Your opinion is irrelevant.

Make memes or cry into your pillow.

92fccc  No.108823


the evidence is not. provide evidence for your side instead of insulting me

e97292  No.108825


There is no side here, there is no censorship. The general is cancer and you have a whole board. For someone crying foul you sure have a whole thread on a censored board to cry about it.

0767a5  No.108859

File: ebd789a6a3902ff⋯.jpg (33.34 KB, 439x313, 439:313, 1510589349148.jpg)


Oh I recognize this typing style. How are you doing my "fellow pol user"?

ad06a0  No.108860

Did BO agree to you giving out his discord name? Also he hasn't memory-holed anything - the post is right there and can be accessed? Not understanding here.

92fccc  No.108869


try using a tripcode then and tell me they aren't censored


doesnt matter its on a public discord

e97292  No.108870


Hey how are you doing, nice meme nigger.

e97292  No.108871


>This idiot doesn't know select trips can still be used.

>This idiot is either stupid or trying to gaslight me.

92fccc  No.108875


white list is censorship

e97292  No.108878


> I need to tripfag so bad because my posts cant stand on their own.

e97292  No.108879


>I need to tripfag so my boss knows when to pay me.

e97292  No.108883


>I want something I dont need.

>Better act like a frivolous basic bitch over it.

0767a5  No.108884





You know why we know you're a kike?

>35 post from this ID

ad06a0  No.108885


Not that we didn't know already for other reasons but BO is a fucking IDIOT if he just allowed you to paste his nick from discord.

92fccc  No.108886




Board Owner I didn't know you were awake

0767a5  No.108887


>hons we need the gas

e97292  No.108889



>Oh no Moishe, the cries of being censored aren't working, switch tactics!

e97292  No.108892

>I-I-I-I'm a victim goys, I swear it.

0767a5  No.108893


Looks like you missed the quads, kike. You won't miss the fucking gas chamber, they'll be real this time.

92fccc  No.108895


how much to they pay you per post?

e97292  No.108896

Dey gonna shove annudah pumpkin in my ass!

e97292  No.108899

You are all getting the rope, sorry making money off this didn't pan out for you.

0767a5  No.108904


i love how kikes say rope but cannot say kike or that the holocaust is fake.

e97292  No.108907


The holocaust never happened.

The kikes are literal niggers.

You're getting the rope little nigger.

e97292  No.108917

Gas chambers weren't even real you stupid niggers.

Zyklon B was way too rare and useful to be used for that.

Go find your wife in a crematorium.

0767a5  No.108919


What took you so long on that one? Had to ask the rabbi if it was okay to post? and yet again another kike being racist to niggers.

e97292  No.108920


It's working, everybody watching almost believes you.

0767a5  No.108922



whoa whoa kike, you must really need to prove yourself a goy. How many shekels deducted from your pay? or did rabbi verify you?



e97292  No.108929


>Did rabbi verify you

No, but I was told my membership to the Rothschild family was on the line.

0767a5  No.108932


kek, you kikes are funny afteral

e97292  No.108933


You're not my friend nigger.

0767a5  No.108938


never said i was your friend, buddy

e97292  No.108940


Honestly you're not so bad, I'd be your friend.

0767a5  No.108947


A kike who will admit the holocaust is a lie? Maybe there is room in a work camp for you after all. Besides the gas chamber over fits 6 million at a time.

e97292  No.108960


The gas chambers never existed idiot.

They are fake and fucking gay.

The video footage of 'gas vans' that was proudly displayed in the holohoax museum was actually a french film.

More Christians died in the holohoax than kikes.

More Men died in the Russian winter than the 'holohoax' and 'ghettos' combined.

92fccc  No.108965


Maybe you arent a shill after all. my apologies.

e97292  No.108967

It's also physically impossible to cremate 6gorillion kikes. So fuck off with your gay shit.


I don't want your apologies faggot, i want you to make some fucking memes.

002715  No.108973

Anons please curb the hate. This is purely (((their))) tactics. To be a man of love is to be the greatest enemy of the controllers.

ad06a0  No.108974

>Breadbox - Today at 2:46 AM

>I dont belive in doxing anyone

>posts BO's Discord nick

0767a5  No.108977


Oy vey goy- I mean "fellow pol user" how could you possibly say that? I myself was ga- i mean a friend of mine was gassed over 6 millions times during the shoah by aryan monsters

92fccc  No.108982


Ill work on it man promise im kinda all over the place since I got little sleep last night after the debate.

I said it in the pate but I really did enjoy it the Board owner is pretty well spoken when hes not insulting people.

e97292  No.108985


Hate produced every worthwhile piece of OC in the last 24 hours love-cuck.

92fccc  No.108989


blind love will get you killed anon but I dig the sentiment

92fccc  No.108990


have to agree lol

e97292  No.108993




I hope I rung your bell enough so you have some perspective on what's important and what to focus on right now.

Shitlord out, I need to meme.

0767a5  No.108995

But in regards to the topic at hand, we need to agree to disagree in certain aspects.

Yes board owner over reacted, he is a newfag and dindu nuffin wrong.

But yes the problem is solved and Q's tripcode is whitelisted, therefore able to post.

Please Board Owner, post some proofs that the Q tripcode is whitelisted, beyond your post during 8chan admin's appearance.

0767a5  No.108997

002715  No.109013


That was actually a quality of Love rising itself above the hate, only Love can produce beautiful things, hate never produces anything useful (speaking of concepts here, of course in reality you have a mixture of both so it's good to adjust it so you have the least amount of hate)

0767a5  No.109021


What is hate but the child of love? For hate comes to redeem the mistakes of blind love. Without hate we cannot defend love.

So let there be hate, so that there may be love.

002715  No.109035

File: 43a0dcf0c825aa8⋯.jpg (340.87 KB, 1394x1078, 697:539, forceviolence.jpg)

92fccc  No.109043


he continues the censorship and lied to my face about how it came about.

0767a5  No.109104


Yes yes, an infochart. therefore it is true.


Then upgrade /thestorm/ as of now /thestorm/ relies on /cbts/ for linked information.

92fccc  No.109119


ts collaborative effort at this point and a labor of love

002715  No.109127


>Yes yes, an infochart. therefore it is true.

Well I don't know anon, why don't you read and see for yourself?

e97292  No.109138

TS is still for faggots you niggers.

0767a5  No.109144


All CBTS related research is collaborative.

It you build it Q will crumb. If you are serious about /thestorm/ then make sure that the research here at /cbts/ is featured.

92fccc  No.109163


if you look at the storm I have personally archived a few threads already. im working on it but there are other conversations happing that I am involved in as well as trying to keep up with the current research in the threads. I am on full time scour mode

0767a5  No.109174


Basically, if you truly believe /cbts/ to be comped. the information would need to be transferred to /thestorm/ asap. I mean, unless /cbts/ is immune to sliding, which I doubt.

92fccc  No.109313


agreed I will refocus my efforts. thanks anon I missed sight of the target

a57cef  No.110556


>CIA isn't operational

O-Oy vey goyim don't think about that! There's no such thing as CIA conspiracies!

Sorry, but I have a hard time believing nobody from the CIA is around to undermine the United States.

bb6811  No.110679


Now that you've vented, if there is/was no intent to create any division, the logical, manly, ethical thing to do, would be to delete this thread.

You've said it's not about you multiple times, if that's the case delete this thread. That will give you back credibility you lost by acting like a girl.

Somehow I suspect you will not.

e97292  No.110788


I think they know the NSA is onto them to be honest. POTUS has WarPowers right now, nobody without a death wish is gonna fuck wit dat.

1bef2a  No.111745


he wont because it IS about him. OP is a girl



fucking twitter reject. BO managed a situation. Maybe it wasn't how you would have managed it, but It was not 'censorship'. Again, OP is proven a girl

92fccc  No.111766


yeah sure delete the thread just bury the corrupion and lie to anons. rather not maximum transparency is the only way here.

92fccc  No.111977


Ill post this here since BO locked the thread that he made to Glorify his bad decidion making skills

really dude really? gtfo out of here with that shit. you need to be held to account. you picked a discord name to take with you to a public 8ch discord. you know the rules of internet anonymity. if it were your personal email or social media info I would agree but its not. you are just mad that I called you out on your bullshit and a lot of anons agree with me.

only you and one other person mentioned that its your dox and the others agreed that its was on a public discord. by coming on you disclosed it. what? did you really that "history will be kind to me" really? you are not our king faggot and you are not beyond scrutiny. if you used your non 8ch discord on an 8ch public discord that's not my fault that's another example that you have bad judgement

0ce8e0  No.112025


Easy response - I was here when this place went tits up. Total anarchy by shills. Obviously there was major progress being made that was scaring the shit outta someone that has shills for hire.

Whatever was done by BO is done. If it's fixed then it's in the past. If you want to harp on this looking for a pound of flesh then you're a SJW and need to move on to twatter. No time to mess around with juvenile emotions or any benefit to be gained by anyone by persecuting someone for a well-intended action. Move on already or get blocked.

You having a hormone induced tantrum? Take something and grow TFU little girl.

But I digress…

92fccc  No.112026

censorship lives on this board

8b0656  No.112076


>not being able to use trips is censorship


92fccc  No.112222


no one but the people Board owner likes can use trips. he literally call himself our leader and claims we are his subordinates evidence is on the discord

8b0656  No.112248


so you mean to say using trips is some sort of inalienable right and not having a trip is censoring your ability to post?

I don't care what the BO thinks about the board's users, as long as he makes investigation and Qposts possible - he can suck a million dicks for all I care.

92fccc  No.112272


Q literally called this board comped and demanded Trips be reneabled within 24 hours. he still hasnt returned

8b0656  No.112292


Q didn't demand anything, he said if his trip isn't reenabled within 24h he's searching for a new board. It has been, as confirmed by Codemonkey, the fucking admin. He also mentioned that secure comms aren't possible right now so, after changing his trip, he said he's going to go silent ("rigged for silent mode").

tl;dr eat shit and spread your FUD elsewhere.

92fccc  No.112303


24hrs to restore trip code or departure.



the admins fixed the issue of Q not being able to post Board Owner disable trips before functionality that would allow white listing.

Admins acted when Q went to 8pol out of desperation to keep CBTS in one board.(speculation)

Board Owner is a tyrant that lords his position over others.

8b0656  No.112309


>the admins fixed the issue of Q not being able to post Board Owner disable trips before functionality that would allow white listing.

with help from the BO, by Codemonkey coming here and testing the fucking whitelisting feature, nigger c'mon

>Admins acted when Q went to 8pol out of desperation to keep CBTS in one board.(speculation)

Oh so we're SPECULATING right now? So I'm speculating what you're doing is allowing your feefees to drive your actions, not your reasoning.

>Board Owner is a tyrant that lords his position over others.

And? Does that limit your investigative or posting capability in any way? Or is that, perhaps, censorship of some sort?

92fccc  No.112337


it doesn't help that BO lied multiple times and provided no evidence. he bans on a whim and makes weeping changes. I care not if people stay or go as long as they make an informed decision.

I've already made my case about trips being a tool that should be available to everyone. I may not use it in a way everyone like but just filter me if you don't like my posts. you have that freedom

and board owner being a tyrant erodes the viability of the board as a neutral ground to research Q. he needs to remain neutral and let the conversation develop on its own rather than making whatever social engineering choice he desires. I'm willing to accept you wont see it the way I do but this is driven from a point of personal ethics for me and I wont stop. you'll have to ban me or kill me.

9ee740  No.112430

File: 1e69baad4ef2739⋯.png (130.27 KB, 794x800, 397:400, d2974cce44625079a8d9a711a4….png)


>faux authority

>not shareblue goy honest

92fccc  No.112466


I hope Odin smites you

9ee740  No.112477

File: a9125ddbfa99e54⋯.png (17.54 KB, 174x200, 87:100, fellowgoyim.png)


Come to my discord fellow chan posters.

If i were in control things would be better, you can trust me goy– i mean Anon hahaa.

92fccc  No.112530


we arent trying to be in control and I advocate for minimum moderation with full tranparency.

we mostly just hang out and bullshit about cbts

we also put out a disclaimer about it being public and basically a honeypot as far as opsec is concerned.

how much more above board can you get?

9ee740  No.112544

File: a2b77305b91eaa9⋯.jpg (40.07 KB, 399x398, 399:398, 20330360.jpg)





92fccc  No.112562


I mean you could at least give me some feedback rather than sliding

9ee740  No.112593

File: 26b4321d81e5ac3⋯.jpg (13.91 KB, 208x243, 208:243, kikeryintensifies.jpg)


Leave 8chan you fucking kike.

92fccc  No.112626


make me nigger

165487  No.112836

I said in this in a cbts where spaghetti was being lost everywhere but I'll put it here for good measure

I don't know man for real I am a sucker for reading long winded posts that only somebody who came from a forum or something maybe a trip fag on 4chan would care enough to write, there seem to be a lot of them here now and you are all ok for the most part contained to this board but you should listen to probably one of the only people here who read all that worthless drama at all…

What you are worried about is really retarded I mean follow your own logic here but you don't even know where you are right now and you are complaining to people who are letting you all get away with a lot right now you should be grateful. It's smart that you all stayed out of /pol/ but the atmosphere of the entire website, its history, etc, you don't seem to understand enough of it to make such baseless claims or even think the line of logic you thought or continue to think at all.

If you keep up that kind of logic and are not just a shill all along, you should try to rethink your perspective on a lot of things and try to understand where you are better since the way you interfere with both the new and old members here as well as the site staff itself, you don't have enough understanding and are you are doing is shitting up the board doing the opposite of what you think you should be doing

e97292  No.112929

>Breadbox still namefagging.

>Doesn't get the message.

>Won't be the bigger man and just hang himself.

Keep digging little faggot, we're sure to believe you soon.

92fccc  No.113683

catching flak with no substance


if I didn't trike a nerve we wouldn't have replies or other anons posting parts of the debate to other boards.

I hope you guys like your king. I'll be there on the day of the rope with a special one for ya.

e97292  No.113698



e97292  No.113702


92fccc  No.113842

File: 7e4562f483b1bdf⋯.jpg (37.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 7e4.jpg)

c313dc  No.114118

BO needs some security lessons.

I dont think BO is a bad guy but he is not cut out for this.

He needs to be a ghost and obviously is not doing so properly.

These are facts.

BO got scared.

BO got ddoss'd

SIEGE on forum.

Trips are not secure. A simple trial and error really or grab another infinity board.

Situation completely mishandled due to inexperience and being a novice.

OPSec training needed. You know the severity of task at hand.

This comes close to Clinton and her private email server.

92fccc  No.116055



02d450  No.117041

The filtering of cbts sets a bad precedent.

Integrity of cbts can no longer be trusted.

This can happen again.

It is impossible to put the cat back in the bag.

057285  No.118336


A few things:

1. Doing anything to force Q to do anything, is not only a bit disrespectful, it makes it seem like you know more about what he's doing than he does. That's really the only issue I have with the entire situation. Q knows what is going on, probably better than ANYONE here, period.

2. BreadBox, let this shit fucking go. You need to relax. The chans have always been about being able to say whatever you want within a room full of other fags that stay anonymous like you. That's always been the glory of the chans.

3. Names and trips Should only be used by people with jobs, like Spreadsheet Anon, Board Owners/Mods, and maybe some OP's that have a long track record of excellent thread making skills. (Obviously Q and other intel resources)

Absolutely no one else ever really needs to dip down on them.

92fccc  No.129934

not sorry about doing the debate but apparently it wasn't a big deal anyways…crow tastes fine btw.

e97292  No.130164


You're a faggot but you're our faggot.

92fccc  No.130667


Thanks anon I thought I did good. debate skill on point but bad target

92fccc  No.239591


82c5aa  No.240013

Traitor is right

Tripcodes not being enabled after they were supposedly moved to SHA256

And then Q supposedly posts without a tripcode today

And codemonkey had to 'verify' Q's post to the board when the new tripcode could have done that

Board is compromised

82c5aa  No.240033

autosub B/readbox's namefagging to Traitor proves my point

mav and Pamphlet are LARPing

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